An archaeologist's journal

Started by I love cats, February 13, 2024, 05:27:47 AM

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I love cats

I found the Sandstone college to be a joke institution offering a useless degree. The faculty lacking in instruction and most of my students lacking ambitio. Ironically enough many of the student body of the Sandstone college are very open about being dissidents of the Sultan. There was even Jamileh who pretended to be a Proffeeor utterly unchallenged by the faculty. I was forced to conduct my study of history and archaeology illegally due to me pointing out publicly how inefficient a system is to have only one person responsible for liscenses.

I found most of my colleagues at the Sandstone opposed to the works of Q'tolip with little ambition of their own to actually oppose them. I went deeper into my research and found the true reason for Qtolip's departure from the grand academy and the truth of this schism. Even with my own study of astronomy. In truth the ideals of Bazeel are more touched by faith than actual science. The whims of the priests of the Mother who claim Bazeel to be the true center of the universe is mistaken and not based on knowledge or science at all. In fact my studies show the study of the stars predates the academy of Bazeel by an uncountable number of years. The Magi Izdu wishes us to pursue knowledge not orthodoxy.

With these reasons and a generous offer by Apothar Stern I dropped out of the sandstone college. The academics at the tower of Q'tolip are far superior and I actually have a thesis to defend and proper instructors giving me assignments. I am not paying tuition but am instead paid to conduct my research.

It goes without saying the tower was founded by much greater academics than its most active Apothar. I see these "scholars" both of whom cannot even dig. The only reason they are in the position they are in is the work of much greater scholars before them who unearthed the shade. Their political fumbling is really pathetic to watch. It is truly a wonder how people representing an organization saving everyone's lives does this badly in the eyes of the common man. It is my hope to fill their shoes and lead us a different direction. To leave the Banda to their murder, the legion to continue their king history to fail the Maribid. Let us be scholars and mages instead of pretending to be Jannisaries and failing at foolish Asterbadian games.

I love cats

A man of the Banda Rossa claims my efforts are wasted upon the Astronomers of Q'tolip. After seeing one of my useless colleagues handed an academic epoch for groveling before a legate for a boulder met with a reward I am convinced there is no way in the dunes of Pra'raj I can let myself be his Nadiri.