[Letter] Chief Scribe Frederica Ashbury (DM)

Started by One_With_Nature, January 26, 2024, 05:15:11 PM

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Chief Scribe,

I write to you to request answers to some queries that you are the most likely to be aware of, that your deputy and senior scribe have not been able to provide. In anticipation of my visit to Alkab there is information I must know so I can negotiate from a position of knowledge. I have listed my questions below:

- How much grain do we currently import from Alkab and what is the total cost of this import each month?

- Can any funds be requisitioned from the state funds to settle matters of trade and diplomacy? As this is a particular important matter which I am sure you have been made aware of, failure is not an option. If the answer is yes I would request 15,000 dinars towards this task.

- Do we have any information on the culture of Alkab and the customs of their people? I do not wish to insult them due to my lack of knowledge of their ways.

I appreciate any insight you might be able to offer in this matter.

Kind Regards,

Legate Ricario Cassella


Chief Scribe,

I have a few additional questions regarding matters that can't seem to be agreed upon by scribes or anyone else for that matter, if you find the time I would appreciate your insight in these:

1. Do you have a copy of the initial quote for the pricing structure of the district at both the sand gate and rose gate? I am getting mixed reports of 500,000 dinars each, but with 500,000 in reserve and some saying the sand gate is 500,000 dinars and the rose gate is 1,000,000 dinars. This is quite the discrepancy so I would need some clarity.

2. Is it possible for all future licenses to have a date affixed to them? It would make the life of scribes much easier and allow easier implementation of potential changes in the future.

3. Where do we stand on setting the price of bellows for citizens? Myself and Domhnall have discussed increasing it and I do not know if that falls within our purview or not.

Thank you as always for your assistance in these matters.


Legate Ricario Cassella.