A letter to Legate Cassella, delivered to his office in the Palatial Pyramid

Started by Anthee, January 23, 2024, 09:13:24 AM

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[In neat, flowing handwriting.]

Nisah 23, IY 7788

Gentile Legato Cassella,

You are hereby cordially invited to a service of prayer to Sage Santina and all the Sages of the Divine Dome, to be held on Nisah 27 in Santina's Shrine, on the second floor of the Krak des Roses. ((Saturday, January 27, 5 pm GMT)) On this day, we commemorate the Battle of Lost Souls in which Santina, leading the Order of the Lezrous Brethren and fighting alongside the armed forces of Il Modo, triumphed over the Lost Armada of the accursed Barbarina.

As we followers of the Way of the Divine Dome are a minority in Ephia's Well and religious tension has been rising recently, the service will include a sermon on the proper attitude towards adherents of the Wheel and how to live faithfully as a servant of the Sages here in the desert.

I sincerely hope you are able to attend. This invitation is personal.

Sofia d'Andrea
Sister-Priest in the Order of the Lezrous Brethren
of Sage Santina the Compassionate
Zina Zizzo


Sister-Priest Sofia,

I thank you for your invitation I shall endeavour to attend, as my duties allow. I am entirely in favour of a sermon on promotion of the co-existence of our faiths.

I hope we can speak soon and if you need anything please do let me know

Legate Ricario Cassella