A Letter to Legate Guivarch

Started by Blue41, December 10, 2023, 10:49:44 PM

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Most Honored Legate,


My name is Jerrod Felch, and I am currently in the employ of Hamdan Al-Hamdan as one of his reporters/co-authors. We've not had the chance to meet formally, but I wanted to express my congratulations on your hard-won victory over the Purple candidate Sephidra in winning the Legate seat. As a newly-arrived refugee to Ephia's Well, you're an inspiration and I wanted to let you know that lots of people look up to you.

But I'll not take up your time with flattery-- I am actually reaching out to request an interview. It shouldn't take up too much of your time, but between the election results, the Well-quake we experienced and your plans for this next term, there will be a lot to cover!

Gratefully yours,
Jerrod Felch


Jarrod Felch,

It would be my pleasure. We shall speak when schedules permit.

Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Legate of the Assembly
First Seat
Redemption! Redemption!


[A copy of a contract is sent to the Legate's office...]


Initially, I had joined the League of White, and I have to say I was a little confused by your choice of Hamdan Al-Hamdan for Vizier. After all that fiery rhetoric about destroying Marcellus and the League of Purple, why raise another prominent Purple on the Stele? It's a good question, but seeing as how I'm no longer working for the Herald, I don't imagine you'll get an answer.

I figure you're probably as broken as the rest of the system, but just in case you're not, I figured I'd send along the contract Al-Hamdan's providing his employees. Safe to assume anyone working for him will be voting against you going forward. This is the guy you gave a title.

Still very inspired,
Jerrod Felch



I deplore the practice of coercing votes exhibited in this contract. I was not previously made aware of these practices.

My work with al-Hamdan has been a matter of political necessity which has brought me little pleasure. Find me and we can speak about it on greater detail.

Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Legate of the Assembly
First Seat
Redemption! Redemption!



Originally, I was gonna say that I wasn't interested in hearing your excuses-- especially when it isn't going to make a difference one way or the other. You'll continue working with men like Al-Hamdan and Cassella and tell yourself whatever you need to in order to get through the day.

But kings have their fools, and maybe you need someone to listen to you in person and call you out to your face. As a priest of the Wyld, that would be a pleasure. So aye, I'll find you.




I look forward to it.

Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Legate of the Assembly
First Seat
Redemption! Redemption!



I write to you today not to ask for your time. Rather, I ask for your silence in regards to one man in particular--the very same you've named as your Prelate, Ricario Cassella.

At the Assembly, you had the chance to have me silenced for speaking without a Voice. You had the chance to toss me out on my ass, in fact, and chose otherwise. I doubt Cassella was pleased about that. I'd say you've honored the terms of your original agreement with the man, as much as I might hate that you signed one at all. He has his position, and you have your seat. You have no obligation to promote him as your choice for Saenus' seat, and I'd say you should keep that well in mind if you're not already.

You mentioned creating a position that would speak for the Voiceless in this city. I'll speak for at least two, though I'd rather keep their names to myself. Cassella is encouraging new refugees to join the League of White in order to sign his petition, and likely sweetens the deal with 'gifts' from his storehouse. Pins sold for an axe here, a shield there, so on and so forth. I'm aware that this is nothing new to be seen in our elections; the League of Gold is paying folk to join outright. But that's not how it ought to be. A man who buys your vote, who has already bought his way into power, shouldn't be allowed to represent so many more without any power of their own. I'd like to think you believed that once. Perhaps you believe it still.

You won't be able to outlaw this kind of behavior, sure. Not yet. You don't have the capital or the votes or whatever else. But you can stand against here and now, by refusing to stand with Cassella any longer. That's power no one can take from you.

I'm not your greatest fan, Guivarch. But I don't think that's what you need. I named myself a fool in my last letter to you. Now I name myself a thorn, just beneath your skin. A persistent pain. A reminder.

Remember yourself.



[The letter is recieved, read, reread, and closed. It is folded and placed into a desk drawer in silence.]
Redemption! Redemption!


Legate Guivarch,

I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my sermon last night. I know that time's a precious thing for all of us, but it was well spent. The conversation that followed became a bit of an in-promptu Convocation of the Wheel in which the position of Grand Mufti was decided, and the Wheel is united in its purpose to curb Modini influence, promote our faith and root out heresy.

Though that is a focus, and an important one, it's never been my focus. Weeks ago, you made an investment in me to hold a demonstration against Marcellus, and I'd like to think I delivered. The call for his resignation was echoed throughout the Well by other Speakers, other citizens, and even his opponents. You told me that the League of White needed people like me, and at the time, I thought you meant people willing to speak their mind without thought of propriety or consequence. Now I wonder if being free of Accord strings isn't just as important.

I asked you about your Prelate then, and I'll make a request now. Make me your Prelate. I have no designs on politics and I have no intention of running for the seat, but I do take League matters seriously. I won't be bought and I won't compromise my faith or my ideals. In the event I'm required to sit in your seat, I can promise that I won't give an inch more than we've already lost to the wealthy, the privileged, the elite.

If you'd like to meet in person, you know how to get a hold of me.




We'll need to get you a Voice before you can hold a title on the Stele. I'm willing to help do that. We'll have some details to talk over.

Redemption! Redemption!