A hastily scrawled piece of paper addressed to 'The Legates'

Started by IKeepForgettingMyUserName, November 09, 2023, 09:33:29 AM

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There are possible Sibilant spies walking through the Well every day. Allowing the donning of helms and the concealing of faces amongst non-Accord members poses an elevated security risk. While some lizards can shift appearance to look like actual people, others can simply pass through while hiding their scales. Janissaries can search these traitors however we cannot search them all. So we can more easily target Sibilant agents, outlaw concealing your face.

Will pursue voice if needed.

Fourth Legion Scout



Have voice now.

Outlaw saying the proper name of the Ninth Spoke so I can arrest Aubrey.

Fourth Legion Scout



Consider outlawing following:
  • Being invisible in Well
  • Sneaking in Well
  • Entering or leaving Creep
  • Shapechanging in Well
  • Concealing face without sanctioned religious reason
  • Speaking name of Wyrm (Serious: locally spoken. Capital: spoken at Assembly or on Bellows)

All these are tools of the Enemy. Allows immediate intervention and targeting of assassins as they walk about invisible to reach their prey.

Speaking name of Wyrm may already come under Article 18. Will test soon in trial.

Fourth Scout