A hastily written note to Nasreen and Aaisha

Started by IKeepForgettingMyUserName, December 14, 2023, 07:13:00 AM

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Request expert knowledge from wise of Baz'eel. Speaking name of Accursed Spoke in public. Does it empower Wyrm? Aid it? Gathering evidence against potential Wyrmist.

Fourth Scout


Soldier Lightdew

The Name of the Wyrm is as foul a thing as that Dreaded Spoke itself.

It is a Cursed name, speaking it Invites the attention of the Wyrm, and all the foulness that comes with it, upon all who hear it as well as the speaker themself.

Among the Melek and the Resurgent Sybilants it is a Battlecry, calling upon their god to observe and bless them while inflicting that same blighted gaze upon their foes.

While I could not speak as a Priest may on if such a thing truly empowers the Wyrm, it without question spreads the chaos and anarchy that the Wyrm Delights in.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank