Sephidra Niridhe, Torchbearer Hall

Started by AsheandCinders, December 20, 2023, 10:45:22 AM

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I am dissapointed.

We stand at the Precipice of a Second missed payment on your not inconsiderable debt, and yet I have had no Letter, No Messenger sent, no Explaination and No Excuse.

I have waited patiently, expecting from you a level of Decorum to at least inform me should there be issues or delays as we have worked together many a time. But instead you choose to snub me, after leveraging my trust in you to already swell the generous timeframe of Reimbursement.

It is only out of Respect for Naelin that I have not already begun to claim your possessions from Torchbearer hall as in my contractual right, but that patience too runs thin.

Tommorow you shall be in full breach of contract, and Subject to sanctions up to Capital Theft charges at my whim. I expect from you a very, very good reason why I should not persue such, with generous offerings to Placate me for this deeply insulting conduct.
After that, we can once more discuss what you Owe.

Not even death has prevented the Sublime Bank from getting it's due in recent months, I have no intention of you proving the exception.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank


Dear Deputy Chief Al-Samar,

It seems we must be missing one another.

I have the payment for the last and this week ready. But you are a rare woman to find.

Please come find me. Or appoint someone else who I can hand the money too so it may reach you.

Sephidra Niridhe



The Onus is on you to see your debts repaid, not upon me to chase them.

If you have one you trust to deliver your coin, you may place it in their hands. But if it does not reach me such is on your head. And this also does not address the fact that you at no point attempted to contact me to inform me of these circumstances.

We shall have words.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar


Dear Deputy Chief Scribe Al-Samar,

Very well, then lets make a proper appointment.
I propose you and I meet in 24 hours from when this letter is delivered
within the Palatial Pyramid ground floor.

If this time is not suitable to your needs, please propose another, until we find one

Sephidra Niridhe


Dear Deputy Chief Scribe Al-Samar,

Your payment is ready, please come find me in the coming days.

Sephidra Niridhe