Consortium: Action and Announcement

Started by Random_White_Guy, November 04, 2023, 06:24:00 AM

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As sendings bellow through the night for Sol Auk in various business meeting, comes a pair of announcements by Bellows of his own. They are spread about cheerily by a small Ashfolk in full modesty garb.

The Consortium

This evening and into tomorrow shall The Consortium open. A federation of Traders of Ephia's well of wealth, of prominence, of Voice and of purpose. Though we three are the beginning we extend invitation to any and all who would turn their fortunes.

To show our sincerity our first action is such: The burden of tax upon Trade Licensure is abolished. Any Refugee may seek us, and if they meet our criteria, will receive their Trade License free of charge. Additional will come in the following hours of the evening.

For our second action we provide the following public service: An Acquisition Request Board has been raised. These requests will be processed and delivered to our treasure hunters and smugglers.

If you require a rarity, if you seek a service, if you wish an artifact leave your name and what is desired. It can be found outside our federation's headquarters, opposite of the Krak de Rose. Merely raise your note and see it pinned and we will be in touch.

Those with private requests may seek us for consultation.

Rakim the Secretary of...

Sol Auk
Exchequer of The Consortium
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


In the mid-day beneath the merciless sun, comes further announcement and contesting from local Voiced. Once more the diminutive Secretary is seen raising such in flyers drafted by his tiny hand.[/i]

Third Action: Conservative Finance

"As Exchequer of the Consortium, Sol Auk has had the privilege of speaking with many local merchants, but also with the Deputy Chief Scribe of the Office of the Sublime Bank, and Legate Marcellus of recent affair and ongoing of Ephia.

It has been deemed a more conservative stance on matters economic must be present. As our Third action the Consortium announces it shall be satisfying that role. In the coming days and weeks a number of programs will be pursued through public and government channel.

Foremost among them will be pursuit of Assembly sanctions. To incentivize economic growth in the treasury a prohibition will be pursued. That no merchant may open Stall of the Souk without first securing Voiced status ensuring both prosperity but legitimacy of Merchant effort."

At this point my employer's announcement greeted by bellow of a young woman interceded, sharing

"Howdy it's Miranda! Miranda Marlin! Uh, I don't think I agree with no voices allowed to have a stall because that's how I got my voice? Anyway I'm opening a stall in the Souk. Cawford and I!

Got bark stuff, lots of weapons and armor and interesting things. A handsome scarf if you are still in the market, Alejandro! Come visit! Bye!"

To which the Exchequer graciously responded

"We are glad to debate economic policy and theory in oration, such is the gift of wealth in parlours of Palm Heights, our Plaza properties, and the Assembly Chamber. But such concludes the announcement of intent. Live and Drink."

Those who wish to engage in Debate or speak more are welcome to seek answers in person. Issue public challenge for debate and we will host you and your supporters and the public at Rancini's Banquet & Auction Hall for a modest sum, or you are fre eto draft scholarly tomes of economic theory in the Libraries of Ephia's Well. We welcome contesting of our Consortium's stances.

Together let us raise the dialogue of business.

Rakim the Secretary of...

Sol Auk
Exchequer of the Consortium
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


In the early hours of the morning after the evening of the now infamous "Rancini Trial", a number of bellows ring out. Some in defense of the Magistrate's choice to charge him with a crime not on the law book citing past precedent, others howling of infringement upon voice, upon merchant, and more after the Janissaries failed to prove the charges brought against him and he was still given a sizeable fine and stripped of trade license. After the League Reactionaries finished their diatribes, Rancini's employer and legal counsel, Sol Auk, raised bellow. Shortly after did a tiny Ashfolk in modest head to toe garb circulate fresh flyers.

Fourth Action: Open Recruitment

"In the wake of this day's affairs Sol Auk offers consideration. This day The Consortium's existence proven necessary. From the legal advocacy that prevented the... egregious trial from ending in his death, to a safeguard from losing his livelihood, and more has Merchant Rancini still a bright future.

Sol Auk is not here to add to the cacophony of bellows early in the evening about the overstep, the blundering, and more but only this - What was offered was not specific to Rancini. All of the Consortium have such, and it is why we have federated. That said.

You may have such too, if you join us. Comptroller Rancini, his licence of trade suspended, moves to negotiations and arranging contract and deals with the Accord Signatories and others. Comptroller Hysair pursues the raising of our mercenaries, treasure hunters, and requisitions.

Seek us for opportunity, seek us for protection, seek us to find your place in the Merchant Caste. The wealth of Ephia is vast and the feasting table of Subat seats many. What has happened to Rancini may happen to any unprepared. The Fourth Action of the Consortium - Open Recruitment."

Take heed,

Take caution,

The Consortium offers aid.

Seek our members if you desire employment

Rakim Secretary of...

Sol Auk
Exchequer of The Consortium
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Overnight as claims of violence, threat, and accusation hurled between the Janissary of the Fourth Legion and White League tensions spiked. To mollify concerns took Legate Marcellus to the Bellows to reaffirm multiple points. Some hours later did Ex-Legate Sol Auk answer in kind, raising his own bellows. Flyers begin to circulate with both men's speeches. They are raised in the Souk, the Krak de Rose, outside the Sand Gate, and even a few fliers dumped into the gutters below by a diminutive Ashfolk in full modesty garb.

Fifth Action: Cartel Return

Herein lay the words of the Legate Marcellus and the Ex-Legate Sol Auk, wise and fore-thinking both of two Leagues alike in repute.

"Live and drink, people of the Well. There was some need for clarification regarding to the Narcotics License, and as such I thought it would be best to announce it through the Bellows...

In regards to what the Narcotics License permits, it allows for the Use, Sale, if you have a matching Trade License, and Distribution of those drugs considered Banned by Ephian Law. The list of these currently includes Scorch, Dirt and Slice Spice.

Based on my research of the matter the Drink is currently neither on our list of Banned Substances, nor on Baz'eel's. I hope that offers some official clarification on the matter."

With the Purple Legate's research into the Drink, and edicts on permissions of Narcotic Licensure, does the Consortium present the following.

"Greet. With overnight announcement by Legate Marcellus, Sol Auk brings word which will bring boon and relief to many who ache.

With the Purple Legate reaffirming the designations of Narcotics Licensure, the Ephian Cartel will once more open its trade routes and caravans, under auspices of The Consortium. From Qadira, From Ka'esh, the old trades renew.

For the adventurers of the Krak de Rose who miss it so, Slice Spice will be made available. For the Gladiators and pit fighters and those looking for any edge found Dirt comes. And for the Soldiers and more, Scorch awaits you.

Any with License of Narcotic who wish to expand their business in distribution may seek Sol Auk for a wholesale discount, or find place in the Consortium for at-cost sales. Live and Drink."

Rakim secretary of...

Exchequer of The Consortium

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


In thewake of a day of diplomatic upheaval, gutters invasion, political shifting in the White League and more much falls to the wayside. Among the many nattering voices comes Sol Auk's sonorous bellow. A short time later circulates an Ashfolk covered head to toe in modest garb.

Sixth Action: Tlonsiyya

Upon this fair scroll with fairer quill do I draft fairer news. In response to invitation from Tlonsiyya comes Sol Auk's response.

Speaks Bajica Gilleni

"I speak of the Traders of Tlonsiyya who seek the Master of Trade, Sol Auk. He is to assemble a company of Tradesfolk, scholars and machinists to speak on matters of The Coin and Barter. Seek him out when you may. Scourge spare you."

Though much business kept, hours later after matters quieted spoke Sol Auk:

"Greet. Sol Auk will not berate the ears with bellow renewing days events. All know well now why the letters Ast in Catastrophe. To those of Tlonsiyya, you were gracious enough to travel far and bring envoy to seek Sol Auk. Know this will be returned in kind.

Our Consortium has raised twenty four thousand dinar in three days time, and our business only grows. Scouts who wish to find Tlonsiyya on our behalf, Guards who wish to escort our negotiations, and more are welcome to seek Sol Auk or the others who adorn their stalls with our logo.

As events this day show once more why Consortium necessary. Where government is burdened by indecision, opposition, confusion? Dinar is simple. Business is direct. The Great Stone Road, spoken of by Sol Auk so long ago, at last becomes reality."

Let none question the devotion of the Basalt Behemoth, of the Gilded Groknak, of the Granite-Never-Taken-For-Granted. Business opportunities from high and low welcomed.

A call raised for mercenaries, scouts, and more to seek Tlonsiyya.

Join us.

Rakim secretary of

Exchequer of the Consortium
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Amidst an outpouring of rhetoric from a Gold League member, comes news from The Consortium. As most news raised in the last Nine days by the fledgling organization with deep pockets and wide influence, did the Purple and White Leagues swiftly seek denouncement.

Seventh Action: The Rose Slum

Rejoice. Where the Purple League would mire you in meetings and exceedingly lengthy requests, Where the White League would chastise and judge you for pursuing efforts untoward, the Gold League brings you not only news, but GOOD news.

Read now the end of the words shared from the League, and the follow up by the Exchequer. Weigh for yourself, and consider.

Of the League of Gold Supporter:
QuoteLeague of Gold Supporter
And the weeping indolents who do nothing but DEMAND our charity will be left in their rightful place - to squat in the shadow of our mighty citadel. Perhaps they might do us all the favor of dying before these sorry-hearts spend another dinar on their sloth. There is no place for them here.

And of Sol Auk

QuoteThe Slothful are not only in the streets, good fellow, but in the Pyramid. It brings no small boon to labor for Sol Auk to announce that negotiations now begin with the Cinquefoil Rose to see the Slums returned to the Gate of the Rose without bureaucratic entanglement.

Consortium Dinar, Cinquefoil protection and support, and a clear path. What better proof that it is Dinar and Will that shapes the world, while those of Politic hem, haw, and dither. But another wishes to speak so Sol Auk shall conclude.

Of Soon to be Legate, Ariel Hysair

QuoteOur fellow of Gold speaks true. For it is the Legates who simply wait for coin to flood their treasury, while we of the Consortium toil and labor. It is through our hard work that monuments will be made. Together, the Consortium shall not wait for the woes of government to make this city whole.

Built from the sweat of honest laborers, paid by the coin of determined merchants, Ephia's Well will be the jewel of the desert, the crowning icon of the ash. The whole world will know of our splendor, and the league of Gold will pave the way, with or without the Legates.

On the back of these Flyers you read, has Sol Auk instructed me to draft his plans for the Future slum.

Where others offer you mere platitudes, The Consortium offers you the blueprints of Labor.

Rakim secretary of...

Exchequer of The Consortium

The Back of the Flyer
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As word continues to spread of the Consortium's efforts in construction of the Southern District, and soon coming trades with Tlonsiyya, this evening comes a diplomatic upheaval. Shortly after bellows begins to be circulated copies of flyer by a small Ashfolk ripped out of his damn gourd on narcotics, stumbling and singing.

Eighth Action: The Accord Converges

Hear now the words of crisis, and of its salvation.

From the White Legate, who lead Diplomatic parade from the Pyramid to the Gate of the Rose.

QuoteLegate Domhnall Guivarch
[Noisy sounds of a flintlock reloady echo over the Bellow.] The Gate of Roses is under attack by a Sibilant host.

Purple Prelate, Nasreen, currently sitting of the First Seat with Marcellus' constitutional.
QuoteNasreen Shabani[/color][/b][/font]
[in a very, very unamused, stern tone] Domhnall. If you wish to commit suicide, do it on your own. While you are on the field, others will die to protect you. Cease being selfish, and return to the Krak

Fretting and woes gave way, and with such came good news. Hear from The Consortium's Exchequer and my fair employer, Sol Auk.

QuoteSol Auk
Under the expert tactical strategy and leadership of Balestriere Rosseau, have the Refugees been saved. So too the White Legate, his Prelate, the Purple Prelate, and their diplomatic entourage. Sol Auk has never had more faith in his investment in the Rose's expansion. Let their Castle a Courtyard.

Walls. Homes. Future. The Consortium is more than glad to foot such a billing if these to be the results.

The Cinquefoil Rose has come out in force - The Sybaline Sisterhood and their Priory offering smiles and well wishes for the overture, The Balladeers taking to chant and cheer. The Banda Rossa's sharpened steel.

So too though have the Astronomers of Q'tolip submitted offering, to see the Shade expanded.

While the treat of Business waved, while the Accord converges, so too did the Groknak that is the Government finally begin to stumble southward to appraise matters.

Yet we continue onward forward regardless. More Dinar to be raised, more business to be done.

So says

Rakim, Secretary of...

Exchequer of The Consortium
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips