A Drink-stained letter sent to Arnock Reyer

Started by Karp, November 26, 2023, 05:02:02 PM

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Hey, Sharpshooter:

Where's my information?

I paid for it.




A moderate dig through our files yielded nothing on one Velan Volandis. Out of our current roster of Soldiers, none would have served during the time of his trial save for some Lieutenant that we have that is currently been relocated to Baz'eel and we are unsure if they are to return at all. I would suggest seeing of the pyramid has any transcript or something of the like for his trial.   

Soldier Arnock "Nock" Reyer
First Patrol Company Marksman


Alright, thanks, Champ.

Hope you didn't sprain a wrist writing this letter.
