Kur Tarul, Secretary to Vice Chancellor Pakas Oruko (DM)

Started by WriterX, November 26, 2023, 03:31:46 PM

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To Kur Tarul, Secretary to Vice Chancellor Pakas Oruko,

Word has reached our ears of the damage suffered by the Temple of Izdu in Tlonsiyya, due to a recent ashstorm. A most saddening affair. The Izdurs of Ephia's Well share their prayers with you, in hopes that the good people of Tlonsiyya shall soon be able to return to their most sacred temple, so that the venetration of Izdu, the Many-Armed-Abacus, can continue on hallowed ground.

In interest of furthering the relations between our fair cities, Ephia's Well wishes to send an official envoy to meet with Vice Chancellor Pakas Oruko, to discuss prospective trade agreements. The ingenuity of Tlonsiyyan engineers is indubitable, and we are most interested in seeing more of your innovative devices, such as the formidable turbines that were witnessed by our previous envoy. Negotiations for salvage rights to the Well of Tlonsiyya, alongside a long-lasting exchange for baublium, are also possibilities that interest us greatly.

Please contact us with a suitable date for a meeting. If there are particular personages that you would wish to accompany the Legatine envoy, do let us know. It is our wish to see Ephia's Well and Tlonsiyya stand together during these troublesome times.

May Izdu's wisdom guide you,

Legate Marcellus Saenus
Office of the Second Seat
Ephia's Well