A brief letter to the Priory [Sister PCs]

Started by Don Nadie, November 10, 2023, 09:26:30 AM

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Don Nadie

[A little letter, delivered to the Sisterhood]

Dear Sisters,

I would like some word, when time permits, over a variety of matters.

In the meantime, I would request that you read this brief missive to Ishla. I was informed she was wounded, in the Quest. While I may no longer bear the colors, I still care for her... And hope that, in whatever depths she's laying in at present, my words may still reach her.



[There is another brief letter, folded within the first]

Ishla, I hear you're ill. I hear you were wounded in the Quest. I am sorry I was not there, by your side, to protect you. I trust you can and will recover. I want you to recover. I want to hear your song, softly, as you tend to the roses of the Krak.

I miss many things, but I miss you, too. Your words, Ishla, I bear upon my heart, engraved. Your words I often quote, Ishla, because they have been, and continue to be, a balm. "We are always growing", you said, "though not always straight". When I doubt of the path my heart leads me through, when I feel anxious over my choices, I think of you. I want you to know that.

Please, keep on growing.




We're always happy to speak to you, Alejandro. I'll seek you out.

Narwen is primarily the one providing care to Ishla - I'll make sure she gets your message to her.

Your friend,