To the Garrison: League of Purple Janissary Voiced Citizenship Fund

Started by yaaaaay, November 07, 2023, 11:59:10 PM

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Janissaries of the Fourth Legion.

Attached is the League of Purple Janissary Voiced Citizenship Fund updated for the new month of Subat. In particular, the terms have been updated to take into account the new cost of a Voice.

Live and drink, sincerely,
Beatrice Margo

League of Purple Janissary Voiced Citizenship Fund

The League of Purple recognizes that the Fourth Legion of the Sultan's Janissaries is one of the key backbones of Ephia's Well's defenses--and that of the greater Baz'eel Sultanate as a whole. In recognition of the hard work and sacrifices of the men and women of the Fourth Legion, the League of Purple is pleased to announce the Janissary Voiced Citizenship Fund!

This fund is intended to help Janissaries achieve Voiced Citizenship within Ephia's Well and does so by providing 1000 dinari towards the cost of a Voice. To qualify, a Janissary must:

-Be a Janissary holding, at minimum, the rank of "Soldier"
-Sign up as and be a supporter of the League of Purple (see the League of Purple Office to sign up!)
-Provide proof of having at least 3500 dinari
-Be willing to allow League of Purple representative Beatrice Margo witness purchase of the Voice

*Note: dispensation of the fund may not be immediate and may require several days to be processed. A minimum of two days may be required to process and verify all information related to the dispensation. If you are interested in making use of the Janissary Voiced Citizenship Fund, be sure to contact Beatrice Margo ahead of time so that the funds may be processed as swiftly as possible.

The work of the Fourth Legion should be recognized and, furthermore, by working together with the League of Purple, Ephia's Well can flourish to become a greater sister city to Baz'eel itself.