Hidden Truths in Plain Sight - The Codex of Flow

Started by DONT PANIC, November 04, 2023, 05:35:50 AM

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Hidden Truths in Plain Sight - The Codex of Flow
Jordan Clearcreek


Authors Note:

I write this now for reasons twofold. Firstly to clarify my dogmatic beliefs for those who had thought me to be of the Church of the Divine Alphabet – a "small deity" holdout in the times before Ringfall.

Yes, it is true that my Monastery came about as the result of this, and were closely tied, but what I believe does not end with its destruction.

Secondly is to pay respect to those who came before me to teach me the ways of interpreting Flow. Those who seek the wisdom of the Pages should only need to look close for truth.

"Let us tread softly through the corridors of knowledge, for each book is a slumbering sage, whispering secrets to those who listen." - Baba Yuri, of the Flow

When one sits down and starts to write a book, it can be a little daunting at first. There is noise of the busker down the alley, there are wondrous smells coming from the stalls out your window, you have so many ideas you want to convey, but don't know where to start... So perhaps, you will sit there, scribbling out the same sentence rearranged in ten different ways, and you move to the next line.

After a short while you find that the words come with more ease. Your quill can not dip fast enough as new ideas and new branches of your topic open. The words almost seem to beg to be released from your mind!

This is what we call the Meditative State of Flow.

In the tapestry of the written word, there exists a sacred thread, one that weaves through the fabric of consciousness, binding author and reader in a silent communion. This thread is Flow, a divine conduit of unspoken truths and esoteric wisdom. It transcends the mere arrangement of letters and words, elevating the act of writing to a sacred ritual, a dance of the soul across the parchment.

For some reason, when we allow ourselves to be given to the parchment, the background will wash away. And in this state of pure mindfulness, you let free what are the scriptures of my Order.

A reader who is trained in our way unlocks the ability within themselves to attach to the Flow of the author, if it is present. From this, we can pull incredible and provoking wisdoms, and write them within our own scripture book.

Unlike traditional scripture books, each Disciple of Flow's scripts are entirely unique. The wisdom that we learn is asynchronous, and personal for the disciple. It is then up to the disciple to apply their new found wisdom to their daily lives. – If you are one who knows me, you may know I like to very publicly share passages of my own Codex.

As mentioned before, Flow is not in everything. Uneducated works, and things of that nature are not written with the intent for human enlightenment, and therefore have no wisdom to give.

What this Flow comes from is still an Unknown. It could be the Divine trying to help us make sense of the world, it could be a transcendence into a higher mental state. What I do know, is that there are unquestionable wisdoms that hide in the pages of past authors, and understanding those is what brings my Order closer to God.

To the uninitiated, a book is but a collection of pages, a repository of information or tales. But to us, the disciples of Flow, each book is a potential portal, a gateway that leads to the inner sanctum of the mind where truths, both profound and transcendent, await discovery.