A letter to the Palm Heights [Nasreen]

Started by Don Nadie, November 06, 2023, 08:45:05 AM

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Don Nadie

Dear señora Nasreen,

As per our meeting, I have brainstormed a few ideas for events. Please find them at the bottom of this letter. We may wish to refine them, but some of them could prove terribly amusing.

Organizationally, señora Ariel has reached out to me. Her hope is that we can organize a first bout for the Feast of B'aara. She hopes that we can gather, together, 10 thousand dinari for the final price, and to make the battle happen in temas of three.

While I am generally in favor of such events, I must note that the League of White lacks any fundraisers comparable to the Leagues of Purple and Gold. Señora Ariel may also wish to put us in an uncomfortable position. As you can imagine, that'd be most unwelcome. I will also note that I find the constant reliance on "fighting for entertainment" lacking in imagination.



[The letter is accompanied by another enveloped called "BRAINSTORM"]

Poetry contest: This is self-evident. Each League sponsors a poet or poem on the same subject(s). The subjects could be prepared beforehand or improvised on the spot, with small time-limits. The population at large (Voiced and Voiceless) vote, and a poet is crowned.

Poetry duel: A bit more amusing (if artistically less valuable) than the last, poets must face off in a contest of rhyming insult. They must compose a couplet against their foe in a short span of time, retorting to the verses before. Once more, the citizens vote for the winner.

Obstacle course: Several wizards are hired to cast all manner of incantations. Fire walls, webs, grease, clouds, all manners of horrors. A few mechanists set traps. Wizards, perhaps, throw a few spells to affect the mind and reflexes of the contestants. A contest both of agility and endurance, contestants must race through, and not be knocked down in the process!

Transformation duel: Each League would sponsor a spellcaster to transform themselves. It will work by rounds of a few minutes, where contestants are not allowed to heal (unless they choose a form that can regenerate). After every round, they must choose a different shape. Shapes cannot be repeated. It becomes a contest of tactical give and take, with the winner being whomever can out-endure his rival!

Magery duel: Spellcaster will duel one-another from a long distance. Bound to be spectacular! Another version could set armies of Summons against one-another, or adventurers against armiers of Summoned elementals.