Legates Domhnall & Marcellus

Started by Hierophant, November 02, 2023, 03:56:34 AM

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Addressed to Legate Domhnall & Legate Marcellus,

I should like to be appointed Ambassador to Frostport. Warad's winds guide me north, and I must answer His call. I confer in you, grace of Legates, to grant me this reprieve from the troubles of Ephia's Well to seek friends, allies and trade routes for our beloved city.

Good tidings at Warad's beck,
Voiced of the Well, Eamon Bronzegate
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Eamon Bronzegate,

May I ask what qualifications you have to pursue such a post, and why in particular you wish to represent us to Frostport? What might we gain, and the Well as a whole, gain by your efforts?

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Redemption! Redemption!