The Journeys of Siegward Eyck

Started by Styngraven, October 22, 2023, 01:22:36 AM

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I've never been much of one to embellish or take liberty in the theatrics, these recountings of my trials and tribulations to the man you see today are to the best recollection as I can muster. Whilst I speak no lie I will admit to a great deal of dehydration along with curious and almost dream like encounters.


First Journey: Revitalization

    Siegward Eyck had never in his short span of thirteen years traveled quite as far as he had now. Thirteen years. He had hardly comprehended the foreign man when he'd spoke such oddities to him and his Master. Imperial Year, dates, weeks, months, all too foreign to this young giant. The City as he'd known it was gone, the great walls shattered to mere piles of rubble. The tides of the Nothing have inexplicitly abated. Cast aside as if some great light had suddenly been struck only to be replaced by the whipping winds carrying the accursed ash. The world was changing, that much was certain.
     He stepped over a bit of collapsed rubble, leather jerkin creaking at the exertion. His older companion strode at the front, plate and chains occasionally rattling together. Despite Siegward's age the Gods gifted him a truly massive body which allowed him pass for adulthood both in stature and brawn. Besides that there would be no one to aid him in his journey aside from himself, he had to keep on the move.
     The wake of the collapse left much to disarray, he hadn't even an idea as to which ring he currently occupied. Yet he saw the great marks upon the land where presumably the mighty machine had once trailed up the King's Road. If he followed long enough he knew he'd reach its end and at that point his fellow kinsmen. Whatever remained of the once noble houses of the Peerage Ward would be the end of their journey.
     He paused to look onwards, a vast expanse stretching onwards unlike anything he'd ever seen. The cresting sun dotting the far horizon was and admittedly warming, beautiful, and terrifying sight to behold. There was a hard breath as he readjusted his pack and tighten his own cloak about him. His Master looked back to Eyck as he lagged behind. "Another foot in front of the other," he shouted!
     Siegward hurried himself beside the robed man, the faint glimmer of his once vibrant purple cloak was still a familiar sight. "I don't see how we could possibly reach our end sir," He muttered aloud. "The water's near to its end in the skins. We haven't seen a rain since the collapse."
     His Master paused, wheeling back on the boy. A great deal of scrutiny in his beady eyes. "What did the Dame tell you? I know you heard bloody well clear boy. Don't try and say any different."
     There was a moment of hesitation, shifting of his feet before answering with determination. "To be strong. To be brave."
     "And she gave her life so you could see that through. A knight's commandments are to be taken without question, boy." The older man turned back to the trail, pulling the purple cloak tighter. "Your word is your vow and no lack of damned water is going to stop that."
     "Yes retainer," Eyck said with a sigh, "I understand."

     Though the stinging of the winds and the dry smacking of his lips haggard Siegward he picked up his pace. His strides now matching those of his Velstran Master. The road is ever long, longer a distance than he'd ever seen before but a life was traded for his. However unfair it seemingly was, a knight for an orphan. Some might call it preposterous. Foolish even. Siegward could never understand why they'd returned when the dark closed in around him, when all things seemed lost, but that glimmer of moonlight shined true! Dame Jagoda the Just deemed his life worthy of something and it was by young Eyck's honor he'd see it true.