[An Official Letter to Il Modo]

Started by WriterX, October 19, 2023, 07:52:51 PM

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To the Esteemed Grand Duke Nicodemo Nicosino and his Council of Five,

Ever since my return to the Well I have thought about our meeting, your hospitality, and the gifts you left us with, just as we have brought our Waters to you, to ease your burdens, bring you relief.

And yet, when I returned home and pondered on all that was said, all that was done, I found that what I viewed as a genuine offer of friendship from our part, was instead met by opportunism from yours. You pressed for myself to speak of your dominance in the Sea of Pearls and Independence, knowing well it would not come easily from me.

Then you sought to draw our Waters from us. Something that I at first thought would be a kind gesture to the people of Il Modo turned out to be a farce. You sought to use my own heart against me, as I wished to approach and speak with you openly and genuinely. Instead you sought only our waters, holding no respect for our faith, our people or our Sovereign.

Ephia's Well may be a young state, but we Ephians are determined to overcome much that  fate throws against us. I led my people against the Sibilant Legions, crushing them with weapons of our own design. I rescued our city from corruption that left us impoverished and divided. I united our people against many foes, and more than once took the spear myself to face those very dangers that threatened my people.

Though we have been met with sorrow, with loss, we have always brought home victory. We were the ones to remain on the field, we were the ones to stand triumphant.

Ephia Invicta, Ephia Undefeated.

As such, I write to you with the unfortunate conclusion that the deal we have brokered is now broken. The Waters of Ephia are far too important to its people to offer them for anything that the Power of Il Modo offers. Yet we are neighbours, if distant, and your people are just as interested in visiting the fledgling city of Ephia as we are to witness the wonders of Il Modo.

Let us maintain our borders open, so that our people can speak and exchange with one another, so that trade and prosperity is brought to both our nations.

Yet if you wish for me to view you as a friend, you will have to earn that right. A trade agreement, on the other hand, may yet be negotiated between our cities, one done so with care, and satisfying to both sides.

Just as we were invited to your City, we now invite you to ours. Witness Ephia's Well and its people, and see that which makes us stand strong and tall to this day.

Legate Marcellus Saenus


A courier speeds this letter across the Sea of Pearls...

Soon to be responded to....


A young masked courier from Il Modo arrives, clad all in black and riding a swift horse. She arranges the letter to be brought to the Legate, and swiftly departs the Well. It reads:

Legate Marcellus,

Cordial greetings from Paula, aid to the Court of His Grace the Grand Duke Nicodemo Nicosino. I have read your latest missive with horror, and confess that I write to you now in an unofficial capacity. I have not had the courage to read your words aloud to my Court, for I fear that such an action would lead to irreversible damage to the relations of our peoples and, of course, genuinely historic embarrassment and shame to yourself.

What are we to make of your astonishing letter? Mere days ago you were welcomed as an honored guest, and we both undertook certain pledges of friendship. We treated you with every courtesy. An agreement in which we both agreed to exchange symbolic gifts of our peoples was signed. We have your signature on a document describing these simple and constructive terms. You signed this document as an official Emissary of your people. Everything was witnessed by twelve of your own and many dozens of others, including representatives from Alkab and various other smaller cities and powers of the Sea of Pearls. You made this agreement, freely and of your own will, before our revered Grand Duke himself.

Now you wish to immediately break this signed agreement.

I confess, mingled with horror and embarrassment, that I do feel pity for you, my dear Legate. I think I understand very well what has occurred. Despite all your supposed rank and authority you are kept on a short leash by your masters. The Sultan's court must have given you a sharp yank. It is tragic, but it is not my place to judge those who live in terror of the Consulate's knives.

It is true that we hoped that you would be free enough to speak an obvious truth, which is to declare that Il Modo is an independent and sovereign state, the greatest maritime power of the Sea of Pearls, and that our proud and noble city merits equal status to that of Baz'eel. We do not dispute their mastery of the desert, they should not dispute our mastery of the sea. The fact that you are unable to even speak on this subject speaks volumes as to the blind folly and arrogance of the Sultan's Court. Can anyone imagine that they will ever be in a position to demand tribute from us, as the Caliphate did of old? With what navy, exactly, would they expect to rule our seas?  Qa'im threatens the peace of all the Great Ring and Baz'eel drifts into stagnation and arrogant folly. Il Modo and our Grand Duke is due the consideration and respect of an equal.

As to the Well water, you have already gifted us two barrels, what would have been two more, monthly, as a symbol of continued friendship? In Il Modo it is considered a most disreputable thing to offer gifts one day, and change your mind the next. Perhaps customs are different in your lands.

His Grace the Duke had ordered the making of a great Bombard, a beautiful cannon inlaid with gold and silver, and a memorial plaque commemorating your own personal wisdom and honor. The cannon will now need to be repurposed, at not inconsiderable expense to the coffers of Il Modo.

I will write to you now plainly, Legate Marcellus.

I wish to know if you are willing to make amends to our people. I wish to know if you feel a tingle of shame and regret. I wish to know if I can count on you to find some new and productive way to save relations between our peoples.

I understand now that it is impossible for you to do anything that will displease your masters in Baz'eel. I will not ask you to do that. But we will need to find a way within these boundaries for you to make amends. Are you prepared to do that, Legate Marcellus?

I am not unreasonable. I see the potential for historic greatness within you. I would like to help you. I will not ask you to perform any action that will bring to you discredit or shame. But you must be prepared to take serious action on our behalf when you are asked to do so.

Can you agree to this, Legate Marcellus?

I know it is in your nature to delay, and to dither, and to speak out of both sides of your mouth. Respond promptly, short and concise, and tell me if you are prepared to accept my bargain. A simple yes or no will do. You can trust me to be a good friend, I only wonder if I can trust you to be the same?

If you decline this generous offer... I will read aloud your letter to the court. Copies of both documents will be distributed to our friends and allies. The absurdity of your actions will be known by all. The consequences shall fall squarely upon your head.

The choice is yours.


//A private response is requested for this one


Enough with the delays, Legate. The favor of your response is cordially requested - immediately -.

If you have time enough to declare war on distant orc tribes, you have time enough to deal with me.




I have conveyed your meager responses to the Council of Five. Please be advised that it is now the policy of Il Modo that Ephia's Well must make amends for its insulting behavior.

The Council of Five