Letter sent to the High Temple of B'aara in Baz'eel [DM]

Started by thegn, October 20, 2023, 01:01:35 PM

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[A letter marked with the symbol of a key laden with a laurel wreath.]

Kanon Hray 20th, IY 7787

High Temple,

I ask you in the honest and brash ways we men of the South are often known for, and so forgive me for my discourtesy. I must ask, as duty commands me to be ever vigilant and wary of all things, even the most credible, 'lest we err in our guard as the enemy's creeping slyness exceeds our awareness.

So I must inquire, in ways I cannot hope to put to pen in proper fashion, on the status of the supposed Inquisitor Mustafa ibn Hasmet. Is he truly a representative of your lauded, venerable temple, sent here on your most esteemed command? Forgive me, but duty compels me to verify- courtesy be damned.

- Sergeant Robert Fauchard of the Fourth Legion


Sergeant Fauchard,

We have heard scattered reports of much that is amiss with Ephia's Well. Its sacred waters must be guarded well by the faithful. Brother Mustafa ibn Hasmet has been baptized in the waters of the Edutu, his sight and wisdom shall penetrate the schemes of perfidious foreigners who would threaten B'aara's peace. He is our trusted representative to conduct an inquisition and your cooperation with his investigation would be greatly appreciated.

The missive is sealed with the Sign of the Temple of B'aara in Baz'eel