Twin Letters to the Legates of Ephia's Well

Started by MAGIC, October 14, 2023, 06:05:16 PM

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Beloved Legates,

I write this letter inform you that I have delivered to my people the funds necessary for the establishment of an Embassy to the Speaker of Spring's Gift.

Quendi will consult with the Spring and decide if this is the path our people will pursue. He may or may not reach out to you. The decision is now theirs to make.

I thank you all, and your predecessors, and the good Scribes, for the kindness and acts of friendship you have shown. Ephia's Well a place of strife and conflict and schemes, but it is also a place of strength and passion.

I have seen that The Great Sea is a Garden.
And that all plants start small.

This may be a small seed, but it is my hope that it is one planted in the spirit of friendship and unity. And that this seed may sprout and grow and move the hearts and thoughts of others.

Live and Drink,
Deep and Full.

Narwen Alendiel