A Letter to Ambassador Zafirah Tariq (DM)

Started by WriterX, September 22, 2023, 08:09:30 PM

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Esteemed Ambassador,

 I write to you wish a small request, or query. As you can tell the coming times for the Well will be very turbulent, and I wish to consider as many options as I can for the well being and safety of the Well. As Kha'esh is the center of trade but also mercenary companies, I would wish to ask whether you may offer a list of mercenary companies, available at this time, or who should I contact in regards to this in Kha'esh itself?
 Further, I hope that some time in the future I may be able to visit Kha'esh and meet with the Vizier, for I did not have a chance to speak with him since the Battle of Red Hill, and I sense there is much catching up to do.

Legate Marcellus Saenus



Honored Legate,

Please find attached a list of mercenary companies presently not on any ongoing contract.

    The Fifth Company
    The Bronze Shamshirs
    The Ash Storm Left-Behinds
    The Legion of Steel and Iron
    The Tribe of Tar'za'eel
    The Boundarymen
    The Sordid Shield Brigade
    The Gorgonops Company
    The Stone and Blood Band
    The Sultan's Lost Sons
    The Desert Hawks
    The Pounder Brothers
    The Loyal Knights of the Old Oath
    The Gnashauktar
    Figmar's Engineering & Mechanics Company
    Namja's Kind Admirers
    Brotherhood of the Golden Sun

Please inform me should you have any additional questions.

Ambassador Zafirah Tariq


Esteemed Ambassador,

 The situation in the city seems to darken with every passing day. It would almost seem that I cannot pass a day without hearing more news of troubles and complications. That is also why it took me so long to write a response to your answer, as I did not know where we were standing.

 While I would enjoy a meeting in person, our duties seem to occupy us both, so I shall focus upon the mercenaries you presented me with, and later topics can be addressed when time permits.

 I can see that some of these companies seem specialized in one way or another. Such as Figmar's Engineering and Mechanics Company, who no doubt specialize in siege warfare and war machines.

 But, as I shared this list with others of the city a few questions came up, and I hope you can provide some answers to them.

 Firstly, are any of the companies mentioned here either skilled skirmishers or otherwise a cavalry company?

 Secondly, which of these could be considered cheapest, and which would be the most expensive to hire?

 Thirdly, some of the company names presented here have raised eyebrows, and made some believe that they might be, for example, Pra'raji (Such as the Brotherhood of the Golden Sun). Do any of these companies have questionable reputations?

 Fourth, how long do contract negotiations normally take?

 I thank you for your time Ambassador, and pray that Kha'esh faces fewer troubles than we do.

Legate Marcellus Saenus