To Soldier Ferric Aseph: Janissary Potion Exclusivity Agreement

Started by yaaaaay, September 19, 2023, 12:57:32 AM

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Soldier Ferric Aseph,

This letter is to outline and confirm the Janissary Potion Exclusivity Agreement we discussed in our quick patrol of the Gutters.

The specifics of this agreement are as follows:

--The Fourth Legion of the Sultan's Janissaries shall make a good faith effort to exclusively purchase potions of arcane spells from B. Margo (potions that B. Margo are unable to brew, such as those of mage armouring, healing, divine potions, are excluded).
--For such potions, B. Margo will provide a flat discount of 5 dinari off her regular price. For example, potions of strength, invisibility, and blurring would be purchased for 75 dinari instead of 80; protection from elements at 115 instead of 120; haste and displacement at 175 dinari instead of 180.
--This agreement makes reasonable exceptions for emergencies and rapid strike Janissary operations where B. Margo is not available for brewing in situations of pressing immediate need.

If there is anything from the above clauses that we discussed but I forgot to put to paper, please correct and send back to me for rewriting.

B. Margo

P.S. Also attached is the letter I sent to Sergeant Ludovich.


B. Margo,

In regards to the letter you attached to this one, I find only an issue with the fourth tick. I can speak only for myself, as rarely do I even come close to having more than 1000 dinar. I suspect, and while the notion is deeply appreciated, none of the current soldiers (barring perhaps the Sergeant himself) may be actually able to make use of this offer.

However, I do want to give some assurance- The deal we struck in the Gutters will go a long in helping soldiers of the Fourth Legion. Any dinar we can save, is dinar we might spend healing or other potions-- and that may be the difference between life and death on the field. So on behalf of the first company, I would like to extend our gratitude for you friendship and constant aid.

Soldier Ferric Aseph,
Fourth Legion.

P.S. we still need to discuss what I owe for this necklace you gave me.


Soldier Ferric Aseph,

I understand that even with the effective 20% reduction the price of a Voice can still be steep. Because of that, I am working on a few other ideas for how janissaries can be rewarded with voiced citizenship for their work but these will take more time to develop and brought to fruition.

Still, make sure the letter outlining the League of Purple Janissary Voiced Citizenship Fund is posted somewhere clearly in the barracks for me? At the very least it could be motivating.

B. Margo


Soldier Ferric Aseph,

Below is a slightly modified text of the Janissary Portion Exclusivity Agreement. I recently came across new potion brewing equipment that helps me cut down the production costs even more. Please see this new copy of the agreement posted in the Legion's barracks.

Live and drink, sincerely,
B. Margo

QuoteThe specifics of Janissary Potion Exclusivity Agreement are as follows:

--The Fourth Legion of the Sultan's Janissaries shall make a good faith effort to exclusively purchase potions of arcane spells from B. Margo (potions that B. Margo are unable to brew, such as those of mage armouring, healing, divine potions, are excluded).
--For such potions, B. Margo will provide a flat discount of 10 dinari off her regular price. Example prices are listed below.
--This agreement makes reasonable exceptions for emergencies and rapid strike Janissary operations where B. Margo is not available for brewing in situations of pressing immediate need.

Example potion pricing for Janissaries:
1st Circle Potions (cloth armouring, retreat): 25 dinari (compared to 35)
2nd Circle Potions (bull's strength, invisibility, seeing, blurring): 70 dinari (compared to 80)
3rd Circle Potions (haste, displacement): 170 dinari (compared to 180)
