A series of Sendings on Qdim 28 : Magistrates and allotment

Started by Qari, August 29, 2023, 03:40:14 PM

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A few sendings ring out over the bellows, followed by a brief speech by Qari:

Quote from: Sebastian AshalleyYou know, Legate Qari, before this guy was with the Banda, he used to run around the gutters with that halberd of his robbing new refugees of whatever valuables they had. Why is this guy a magistrate? You cant find one single person more suitable to replace him?

I think with this election coming up, you'll be having quite a few new people in the Gold League ready and able to fill the seat. Would sure look good for your reelection to give the seat to someone who doesn't have a halberd for brains.

Quote from: Connor BootPolisherRight this is Magistrate Bootpolisher with a very important announcement en shit,

I quit paying 1,500 Dinar to be a Magistrate was perhaps the dumbest thing I have ever done or considered doing en shit.

I get no pay and have to kick my bribes up! Also what is this bullshit? I got no clue who the fuck Qari is working for but a solution was offered to imprison the beast and stop the innocent from getting killed the kids en shit

Qari said hell no to this decision. We got no good trade deals no lowering of taxes Qari has shit on the gold league why the fuck is he a Legate en shit even plus he is almost never here!


Oh and his plans to not do an Allotment because of his pissing contest with the Astronomers? Fuck that govern this city en shit!

Quote from: Legate Qari AlriyhDear Citizens, Hello. I am happy to answer the question of 'Why Bootpolisher'. It is the tenet of the gold league, that we raise up the wastelanders, from barbarian, to civilized and enlightened folk. So that the Citadel may one day self-govern. That the Ashfolk may look upon what you become with pride.

We cannot only appoint perfect, flawless individuals, because they do not exist. If all officials of society were flawless, it would be a pristine caliphate that would outshine all others. But we must mold the clay we have, a pristine statue will never simply be given to us.

I may only appoint those who show interest, and though his past was full of brutality, who among you from the wastes cannot say you have done the same? That you do not regularly go out and pillage and kill for treasure? The things you did in the wastes to survive? He rose above it, as I suspect, did you.

To this matter of allotment, there will be an allotment tomorrow, Dear Former Magistrate. If you believe otherwise, you have been misinformed. If you believe I have failed the league or the people as Legate, I can bear this. For I know I have serve them well, in ways the people may never hear of.

To the matter of the Astronomers : Yes, they have claimed they have a way to stop the beast. And their price was that the Legates affirm that their students be free of legal consequence in recent tragedies, and thus be above reproach in matters of law. Of course I rejected this ultimatum.

I have long been outspoken about peace and unity among the accords, for a thriving well. For this to happen, then one of the accords cannot stand above the others, immune from the law.

We will speak of this at assembly tomorrow, worry not. The people will hear of the matter in full, and if I spoke out of turn, if the people truly wish to live in a society ruled by mages who are beyond reproach, I will follow the path to peace.