Bill Of Service. To: The Palatial Pyramid. From: Mare Strider.

Started by Poolson, September 05, 2023, 06:03:47 AM

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SERVICES RENDERED: Documentation, observation, plans of imprisonment and banishment, case "The Beast".

RECIPIENT: The Fourth Jannisary Legion. Verbal instruction given to forward the bill to the Palatial Pyramid by Radislav Ludovich.

COST: 1,500 dinars.

500, Mare Strider, for services rendered.

500, Armis Iustus Card, for services rendered.

500 for Lucrecia Allaire, survivor of Hekatomb, now deceased.

PAY TO THE ORDER OF: Mare Strider.

EXTRA: For performance of imprisonment and/or banishment, contact Mare Strider. Price can be drastically reduced if the client would like to utilize professionals listed herein as attaches to the current undergoing efforts of the Astronomers of Q'tolip.


Dear Citizen,


If you have performed services for one of the accords, the burden is on them to fund this work. This is why we do allotments. Unless this task was assigned by a Legate, Chief Scribe, or Deputy Chief Scribe, you are to direct your inquiries towards the organization that hired you.

As an aside, I would highly recommend you retain a contract and be paid at least partially in advance, to avoid these situations. 

Qari Alriyh,
Legate of the First Seat, Gold League

[This is copied and forwarded to Aaisha and Marcellus, for their records]