A Letter of Inquiry to Sergeant Sathuul

Started by Runic, August 28, 2023, 12:40:37 PM

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[Fresh parchment, scented like a new book. Blunt and precise lines of inquiry follow.]

To the Honorable Sergeant Sathuul,

I have an inquiry to make. In the City of Baz'eel, the sale of 'Scorch' is illegal, even by those who operate with sufficient permissions to perform the sales of narcotics and other substances of imbibement.

I have recently been offered such substance by a licensed individual. When queried, a scribe present claimed that the substance was permitted for sale under the licensure of the Sublime Garden. I am merely ensuring such is correct. The Well's Law is still new to me.

Humble thanks,
Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip


The letter is received after a due cleaning of the overflowing inbox. A reply is sent shortly after.


Whilst not tolerated in the great city of Ba'zeel this sadly is not the golden walls of the capital. Due to past affiliations, former Legate Sol Auk, the narcotic known as scorch is legal within the confines of the citadel with the narcotics license.

It's something sadly we must accept. If revoked I'd have an army of strung out Banda mercenaries filling the streets ready to gut the first thing that looks at them funny.

- Sgt. Sathuul