A contract Given to Joachim Sathuul

Started by AsheandCinders, August 01, 2023, 11:02:23 PM

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[A contract, provided to the Sergeant during a private meeting, to be considered and perhaps signed]


This Contract shall define the Terms of Agreement Between Joachim Sathuul, Hereafter referred to as the Signatory, and the Office of The Sublime Bank

Section 1) Obligations

1) The Signatory shall be provided with charity to the Value of 4000 Dinari, for the Purpose of Paying off existing debt.
2) The Signatory agrees to see the total value of the charity reimbursed to the Office of The Sublime Bank, with a static interest of 50%, totalling 6000 Dinari.
3) The Signatory agrees to see Reimbursement provied at least once per week at a value of 1500 Dinari of the total 6000 Dinari reimbursement, until the total is reached.
       a) Any additional reimbursement within that week shall be considered early part-payment of the following week's reimbursement.
4) The Signatory shall provide either Collateral in the form of Assets or Goods deemed acceptable by the Office of the Sublime Bank to be Held by the Office of the Sublime Bank until the Reimbursement is Complete, or the Signature of a Co-Signatory who shall act as guarantor.

Section 2) Terms and Conditions

1) By signing this contract the signatory recognizes and permits the right for this document to be used as evidence in any criminal proceedings brought to bear involving the signatory, excluding any use against the Office of the Sublime Bank.
2) The signatory waives all right to submit or aid in the submission of any charges of a non capital nature against the Office of the Sublime Bank or any Deputised Agent thereof who claims and is confirmed to be acting in the performancs of their duties to ensure agreed reimbursement.
3) The Signatory recognizes the right of the Office of the Sublime Bank or any deputised agent thereof who claims and is confirmed to be acting in the performancs of their duties to ensure agreed reimbursement, to Seize any goods, possessions, properties, or other assets to the value of unpaid reimbursement as valued by the Office of the Sublime Bank in the event of a failure to pay, with such seizure constituing an expressed reprieve equal to the number of days outside of the agreed payment schedule.
4) The Signatory recognizes and accepts that failure to pay in full or part the notarized and agreed upon weekly reimbursement sum laid out in this contract for a period of greater than one week without expressed reprieve from an Official of the Office of the Sublime Bank shall be taken as a breach of contract to the full value of the total agreed sum of charity and may at the discretion of the Office of the Sublime Bank be charged as theft in criminal proceedings to highest level of offence permitted for the total sum, and subsequently waives all right to advocacy in any trial resultant from the sumbission of the charge.
5) In the Event of the death of the Signatory, the Office the Sublime Bank reserves the right to claim from the deceased any goods, possessions, properties, or other assets to the value of unpaid reimbursement as valued by the Office of the Sublime Bank. Should this fail to meet the full value, it shall still be considered a failure to pay.
6) In the Event of the failure to pay by the Signatory, after any and all concequences the Office of the Sublime Bank chooses to raise have been leveled against the signatory matters shall proceed as follows based on the applicable circumstances of the contract:
  a)In the event that the Signatory provided the Signature of a co-signatory as their guarantor any and all remaining debt shall be taken up by the Co-Signatory who shall henceforth be considered the Signatory for all matters and terms laid out within the contract, with the stipulation that Interest on the repayment be doubled unless a new Co-Signatory or Collteral is provided as laid out in Section 1, Subsection 4.
  b) In the event that the Signatory put down Collateral, the Collateral is forfeit to the Office of the Sublime Bank, to do with as they wish.
  c) In the event that neither Subsections a or b of Section 6 is applicable, the debt shall be forgiven.

The Signatory

Signed (As Applicable)

Countersign by Representative of the Office of the Sublime Bank.
Aaisha al-Samar



The name of the Sergeant alone fills the space of the Signatory, without rank or title. Merely Joachim Sathuul.

Joachim Sathuul


The letter finds its way to the offices of particular import before promptly being delivered to the bank.

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar,

Due to the recent state of emergencies I am forced to re-equip myself for combat purposes. I have made by with minimal equipment since the Battle of the Red Hill but this shall no suffice for the current threats. I pen you now for an extension to the third week with any extra charges or penalty accepted.

I need to be at top fighting shape to deal with the threats of the beast below and hunting former traitors of the Sultan's Fourth Legion.

-Sgt. Sathuul



I've taken a day to consider this before penning a response, as I have to admit I'm dissapointed.
You were quick to come to me to see your debts to others repaid in due course, but when my turn comes I find myself a lower priority.

But, I am not without mercy for your plight in my heart. You may have your extension, but it does not come for free.

In addition to the week Extension, your contract shall be extended one further week, with one further payment. However, what that payment is comes down to you.

It shall either be a further 1500 Dinari, as with your other payments, or I may reduce it to 750 Dinari in return for your signed agreement to provide certain favours for the rest of the contract's duration.

Let me know which you choose and the Relevant document will be sent for you to sign, I advise haste.
If I haven't heard from you by the first light of Qdim 25th I will consider there to be no extension and will begin measures first to collect, and if failing that to Prosecute, as per the terms of the contract.

Live and Drink
Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
Scribe of the Sublime Garden


Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar,

Your generosity is not taken lightly by me, do not mistake my duty as ungratefulness. I will see my debt fulfilled but I will not see my self owned in doing so.

I take the choice of paying the extra week's worth of coin, 1500 dinari.

An update upon newer due dates would be quite appreciated so that I have the ample time to see to my finainces.

Drink and live.

- Sergeant Sathuul


[A document is enclosed with the letter]


I respect your resolve, sign the document below and the extension is yours.

Your remaining payments shall be due by 29th of Qdim for the Third payment, by the 5th of Tesrin for the Fourth payment, and by the 12th of Tesrin for the new Fifth payment.

Live and Drink
Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
Scribe of the Sublime Garden


This Contract shall define the Terms of Agreement Between Joachim Sathuul, Hereafter referred to as the Signatory, and the Office of The Sublime Bank. This Contract is considered an Extension of and Ammendment to the Contract signed by Joachim Sathuul on Qdim 1st, IY 7787.

Section 1) Obligations

1) The Signatory shall not face the concquences of breach of contract as a result of failure to pay, as defined in Section 2 (Terms and Conditions) of the Contract signed on the 1st of Qdim IY 7787, due soley to the non-payment by the 22nd of Qdim IY 7787 of the agreed upon sum of 1500 Dinari. This shall be considered expressed reprieve by an Official of the Office of the Sublime Bank, as defined in Section 2, Subsection 4 of the Contract Signed 1st of Qdim IY 7787.
a) The Signatory recognizes and reaffirms their continued obligation to the full payment of the total reimbursement owed to the Office of the Sublime bank, and that this expressed reprieve does not in any way absolve them of their obligation to see the total reimbursement payed to the Office of the Sublime Bank.
b) The Signatory Recognizes that the expressed reprieve does not in any way constitute them having made a payment toward the total reimbursement owed.
2) The Signatory agrees to the Ammendment of Section 1, Subsection 2 of the Contract signed 1st of Qdim IY 7787. The Contract in all matters going forth shall be considered to have Section 1, Subsection 2 read thusly: "The Signatory agrees to see the total value of 7500 Dinari Reimbursed to the Office of the Sublime Bank."
3) The Signatory agrees to the Ammendment of Section 1, Subsection 3 of the Contract signed 1st of Qdim IY 7787. The Contract in all matters going forth shall be considered to have Section 1, Subsection 3 read thusly: " The Signatory agrees to see Reimbursement provied at least once per week at a value of 1500 Dinari of the total 7500 Dinari reimbursement, until the total is reached."
a) The Signatory recognizes and accepts that this ammendment shall apply retroactively, as well as going forward in all matters regarding the contract.

Section 2) Terms and Conditions

1) By signing this contract the signatory recognizes and permits the right for this document to be used as evidence in any criminal proceedings brought to bear involving the signatory, excluding any use against the Office of the Sublime Bank.
2) By signing this contract, the Signatory agrees that any attempt to present the Contract signed 1st of Qdim IY 7787 without also presenting this contract shall be, for the purposes of the Terms defined in Section 2 of the Contract signed 1st of Qdim IY 7787, considered as equivilent to a failure to pay and trigger the terms and conditions listed in Section 2 of the contract signed 1st of Qdim IY 7787 as if a failure to pay had taken place.

The Signatory

Countersign by Representative of the Office of the Sublime Bank.
Aaisha al-Samar


The name of the Sergeant alone fills the space of the Signatory, without rank or title. Merely Joachim Sathuul.

Joachim Sathuul