Two letters sent to Legates Qari Alriyh and Marcellus Saenus

Started by Fabulous Secret Powers, August 22, 2023, 03:40:47 AM

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Fabulous Secret Powers

Honorable Legate,

During a recent incident, in which Magistrate Aubrey Domergue was brought to the Fourth's Garrison, Sergeant Adaken displayed displeasure due to your choice of Magistrates. Said displeasure was meted at both Magistrate Domergue, and Magistrate Bootpolisher, who was also present. Attached is the transcript of what the Sergeant had to say.

Scribe Bashir Khatara

Quote from: Sergeant Medur AdakenThe Fourth Legion would like to make a formal request to our Legates.

Please take the position of Magistrate, the ones who decide who lives and dies in this settlement, a tiny bit more seriously.


*The letter is received, and Marcellus does not seem surprised, but he does seem disappointed still.*