[A letter to Radislav.]

Started by Erudiche, August 21, 2023, 06:09:36 AM

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The facts as they have been presented to me are:

The Torchbearers, Rose, and Astronomers sent an expedition beneath the Well to ancient Caliphal ruins. This expedition included Naelin Karstwen, Sephidra Niridhe, Cosine Mevura, Estellise Azimi, among others. The Torchbearers were informed that breaking a particular seal beneath the city would bring doom by an Oracle of the Inheritors. The Torchbearers pressed the expedition team to do so anyway. Upon doing so, earthquakes were unleashed, as were ash storms, and this Hound of Osman IV.

The last time the Seal was broken was, according to Ibn Ghalish, in the era of Osman IV, which precipitated the Centuries of Thirst. Unless the Seal is restored, total calamity is inevitable. Restoring the Seal may not be possible, it is uncertain at this time.

Marcellus expressed his intent in a meeting with the above parties, today, to not pursue legal repurcussions. He did not, also, inform the public as to the nature of this catastrophe. This, on top of the unanswered-for deaths attributable to the Meteor Sickness, should gall deeply anyone with an appetite for justice in this city.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Redemption! Redemption!


The letter is filed as an appendix under a standing dossier in the barracks.
No response is delivered via letter.