[A letter for Aubrey Domergue]

Started by cmenden, August 18, 2023, 12:59:37 PM

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Dear Aubrey,

I spoke with Rosie and she said that my expulsion from the League of White was at the insistence of Domhnall and he was adamant she not refuse him.

She said she is willing to let me rejoin if you write her a letter approving of such.

Please do so as soon as you find the time. I wish to right this irritating error promptly.

Estellise Azimi


Dearest Estellise,

I do find your antics disruptive and ill-thought, but perhaps that is part of what makes you so charming.

I've written Rosie.

We should collaborate in the next election in earnest; perhaps we might finally find the right candidate to secure victory with our powers combined.

  -- Aubrey Domergue