[A Letter to the Temple of the Mother.] (DM)

Started by Erudiche, August 11, 2023, 06:04:19 AM

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To the Priestesses of the Temple,

You have surely been appraised of the present situation unfolding in the Tablet, where Father Baetu struggles to provide for those afflicted with the Meteor Sickness. He begs aid, and needs honey, mizzar, water, and bandages in great numbers. A great deal of orphans have been created, and those too will need to be provided for. Many children have been taken by Gutter-Gangs, jackals, especially the boys, who are not treated to the custody of the Priory.

Any service we might coordinate as the Mother's faithful, to either the dying or the children of the dying, lost as we are, would surely be a great boon to this tired world.

Domhnall Guivarch
Redemption! Redemption!


(A curt reply bearing no signature eventually makes its way as reply)

Child of B'aara,

We are well aware and working with those we are able to aid the sick and weary. Not so long prior our resources were heavily tasked by the war effort, and the further assault of the defenders at our gates. Then the number of refugees in influx to Ephia's Well and its Hasheema's Hope.

We will not waver in our mercies or acts of charity, but we do find ourselves at limits to what we might accomplish on our own.

There is word and works of a cure, as a representative of the White League It may be best to make it your platform and charge to aid those in trials of it. That, or perhaps to further prepare our Well for further matters of war and violence.

The mother's aid can only work miracles if we allow her to help us. You hold more power than you know. A sound household built on acts of stability is worth a thousand charities.