A Speech from Legate Qari Alriyh

Started by Qari, July 07, 2023, 03:34:42 AM

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[A speech by Qari Alriyh, after donning his golden legate Toga]

QuoteCitizens, Hello. Hello.

This was not a road I wished to walk, when I came here to study the stands.  But my Master, Qatam - Taught that we who call ourserves member of a society, have a responsibility to it.  If there is a need, we are obiligated to fill it, if we have the ability.

The leagues were in disarray, the accords, in disarray. An election was called, and I had the ability to mend this.

And so I stepped forth.

In the past two weeks, you have seen the result.  The accords, all behind me with their officers. The many mercenary bands and merchants, behind me.

United, for the betterment of the Well.  And now, in the future -  War. The time where this united will be needed, and tested.

The well will prosper, Dear Citizens. We will see this done, together. As you have done, in voting for me.

Now - Once more, as John Syter would have wished -   "Can I get a live and drink?"  [He raises the golden ring high, letting loose a dazzling display of lights]

QuoteDM Roxy : [Shout] A chant, and a toast for John Syter.. At the behest of the new Legate of Gold, the Pyramid erupts with voices, "Live and Drink!"

Quote[DM] Abala: [Shout] -- A round of applause from the audience. --