Shady Smuggler - Rothe Escourt

Started by One_With_Nature, January 20, 2014, 11:58:09 PM

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Account: Wiggle-Room

Character: Seph Rico

Bug: When escorting the rothe to its desired location from the canal ward through to the tunnels, through to the canal ward gates and then into the next area (the goblin fort quest area) I kept getting the message "The Pack Rothe Can not see you and starts to wander off" despite having it in sight and close to me at all times. When I finally stopped in the cavern the message kept repeating itself and finally the rothe disappeared despite being about 1 yard away. There were four other pcs traveling with me with their rothes some of which got the message and some didn't but mine was the only one to disappear.

I was being quite careful not to let the rothe stray after the first time the message popped up alas it wandered off anyway.

See Here and Here


The message only shows if you've gone too far ahead of the rothe or if you are invisible. Sadly the message log doesn't give much clue as to where you and the rothe were standing. If you experience the rothe wandering off again, make a screenshot of that exact moment.

Otherwise it's really hard to have that rothe wander off.


The rothe was standing exactly next to own's PC.


Just to note I wasn't invisible at any point either. I think it will be hard to take a screenshot of a disappearing rothe (it seemed random when it disappeared as the message appeared about twenty or so times) but I will certainly report it if it happens again.


This happened again while I was in the Fort Mur area just as I was killing some kobolds- The rothe was right behind me (I used the stand your ground command) and as I killed the last Kobold the rothe disappeared.

I only received the rothe wandering off message twice when I went through a transition.

I though it was a cruel joke at first being about 30 yards from victory D=