Letter to Domnhall, Candidate of the League of White

Started by baronguyperson, August 07, 2023, 06:06:13 AM

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O' B'aarat, in the name of Warad, the most vigilant, the merciful, he prays this message will arrive, it being sealed by his hand at the Wheel House. He gives unto you the product of his thinking, reflecting upon the meeting and the League of White this last day. Many ideas were put forward, many of which are goals of the long term, many public works projects. The expansion of the shade, reorganization of finances, plans depending upon if a future Legate of White may be elected, and so forth. He thinks that a platform, loudly proclaimed with the ideals and aims of the League within the immediate term should be put forward. Something with clearer intentions as compared to the tenants, which are barely understood or regarded as somewhat esoteric by the majority of the well.

The Ten Promises

1. Enfranchisement of the people, by giving them all or large sections of them, the Voice on a basis removed from the paying Gold.

2. The organization of refugee labor under the state into a force tasked with undertaking public works with accommodations and provisions provided for their survival.
3. A setting aside of a portion of every allotment to support non-accorded ventures, guilds, organizations, and charities.

4. The Hall of Jurisprudence shall be regulated with the creation and the creation of licensed prosecutors and defenders, including a requirement that practitioners of the law provide a free and competent defense to the accused, if necessary, as a service to the people.

5. That the rights of the Clergy of the Wheel are recognized and their sacred persons be protected from attack, with protections placed upon the religious places of the Wheel, the Wheel being the religion of the People, the sanctuary of such places will be recognized in law.

6. Slavery, being an injustice and a practice incompatible with the Wheel, is made illegal.

7. That the holding of regular consultative assemblies is enshrined into law and made a common occurrence.

8. That the Assembly, namely the Voiced Assembled before the Legates, be given the power to vote, as a whole, on propositions, laws, or other matters of public concern.

9. That the treasury, income, and finances of the Citadel be publicly furnished to the people without redactions.

10. That every Voiced is given a ration of healing waters, without cost, on a monthly basis.

Whilst these ideals form the better part of what he believes ought to be the Platform of the League of White, he has considered a simpler list of principles, which should be the eternal guarantee given unto the people, by a government under a reformed Asterbadian system. Such should include the rights of speech, water, assurances of safety, sanctuary, trial, and the protection of their Wheel. Things such as these are presently unclear under the hybrid system of the Golds and Purples and should be made front and center in the fight for dignity and equality, which he presumes is the aim of the Wheel, given form in the struggle of the League of White.

~ Khalid, Custodian of the Wanderer's Shrine of Ephia's Well.


Khalid of Warad,

I agree whole-heartedly with the sentiments you have expressed and with the practical measures you have endorsed. These Ten Promises are, indeed, quite well-suited to the League which we are in the process of building. I shall put them forward in a pamphlet dedicated to the campaign along with any revisions I might make in the name of clarity.

I also believe you are correct in your reference to the need for a simpler set of proposals, for the purpose of propaganda. Our campaigners are not all blessed with the great insight of Izdu, and shall need quick slogans and talking points which they might furnish voters. To such an end, I will set about drafting a few derivations of these more nuanced points, rallying cries and the like, for the purposes of our campaign.

Your constant support to this cause, to myself, and to the welfare of the people, is dearly appreciated, friend, and the Well is indebted to the solemnity of your faith.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Domhnall Judicael Guivarch
Redemption! Redemption!