Letter to Mae Stern

Started by I love cats, August 04, 2023, 11:32:31 PM

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I love cats

Dear Apothar Mae Stern

Please forward to me a copy of the contract signed by you so ther it may grace our files.

-Recluta Bootpolisher


QuoteMae Stern agrees to pay the Banda Rosa 500 dinar a week for protection of her person she may call upon request Recluta Bootpolisher to escort her as well as additional Recluta.

The Banda Rosa agrees to faithfully defend Mae Stern any parties that inflict violence or death to her person will be handed over to the fourth legion if the offender is a resident of Ephia's Well.

Severance Mae Stern at any point may give a one week notice that she wishes to end this agreement upon payment of her oustanding balance the contract is then terminated.

A signature, as well as a stamp, at the bottom...

Mae Stern

An appended note...
I do not know how extensive the usual Banda Rossa contract is, but I am amenable to negotiating document changes. Otherwise, I am happy as long as this is fulfilled to the spirit. I would rather have matters of confidentiality written in, as well as an explicit guarantee of no contracts taken against me (it falls under contract already but explicit mention is important, especially seeing as your colleague's words have reached the news), if we are capable of making alterations and filling out this document properly.

However, I can survive with the terms as written.