New Election

Started by Random_White_Guy, June 20, 2023, 08:53:30 PM

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Come morning an announcement rings out across the bellows...

When John was executed,
When Zarat fled,
When the Stele defiled Ephia was thrown to chaos and Interregnum.

At this time did Mari Blacke, did Argus, did Gers - Seek Sol Auk.
Who then at time was Magistrate.
Asking what would be done, what would be pursued.

The answer was singular - We labor.

Stonefolk Provisional Parable:
Empire Rise, Empire Fall, Stonefolk Rebuild.
All rebuild comes with tension, with resistance,
As leverage and tool and hammer reshapes Clay.
This morning as Sol Auk looked from the Paripet across Ephia, it was made clear.

The Purple take to their efforts,
The Gold take to their efforts,
The White take to their efforts,
The Accord take to their efforts.
Ephia is Whole once more.

The Labor of Governance is Concluded.

Let the Leagues finish their negotiations, either raising Interim Legate or begin call for Primary.
Sol Auk has completed his task of labor, owing nothing more to or satisfying contract with John, Argus, Mari, Gers, and the Sultanate.

Live and Drink.

...And a Stonefolk can be seen leaving a Gold Badge outside the Gold League Office...Heading to the Krak de Rose for an hour or two's time.

...Before heading out the Gate of Coin.

Soon after came a flurry of activity.

QuoteSalvatore di Ravioci
The labor of governance continues. I offer a word for the departed, in commendation: Sol Auk. A man exacting in his contract, adherent to his word, with the protection of the city forefront before affairs of amenable politic. When I came to him, and spoke of the woes of the Ulemma, he acted at no toll.

And so, I will continue the work he set for us: to uphold the law with the highest stringency, and to safeguard our Faith. In the coming days, I would entertain conversation of future candidates: regardless of League and creed.

This has been Brother-Magistrate Salvatore. ... and lady Legate, I seek you to speak on business left unfinished before his resignation.

QuoteAmbient Message
Interesting times are surely ahead for Ephia's Well; rumors spread that an election is soon to begin for the seat currently held by Sol Auk. Prospective candidates flock to their Leagues and supporters, eager to curry the favor of both their patrons and the masses...

Echemmon Telemanus
Hail, and listen well! Agaslakku calls for worship, and there are tasks to give such. The upper half of the board beckons, with a raided caravan and a pit of spiders. Come, you who would raise steel in worship, to the Krak.

Also, those of the League of White - we shall summit sometime the next few days, with the stepping down of Legate Sol Auk. No more disorganised crying and yelping of anarchistic whelps, no more pitched screaming at one another for supremacy. We shall be as one, a fist to clutch a Voiced axe.

QuoteChief Scribe Frederica Ashbury
[With extreme irritation in her voice] As Sol Auk has suddenly departed his seat and forced the Pyramid to scramble in the middle of a crisis of state, it is worth stating that his previously appointed Magistrates are, naturally, relieved of their positions as well.

Additionally: Rashid al-Rashid is once more elevated by edict of the Princess to the position of Interim Legate to oversee this crisis and the ensuing election.

Some time later...

QuoteChief Scribe Frederica Ashbury
People of Ephia's Well! An election has begun because Ex-Legate Sol Auk has abandoned his position and fled to Qadira, shirking his duties as your elected representative amidst crisis. Candidates are invited to declare their candidacies at the League offices as the election proceeds.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips