The ramblings of a shattered man, glued together with sap.

Started by Dugs, November 25, 2023, 09:53:32 AM

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Journal Entry: 1

In the quiet solitude of my chamber, surrounded by the echoes of Ephia's Well, I find myself compelled to pour the tempest of emotions onto these pages. The weight of my own imperfections bears down on me, a relentless burden that the tower, in its enigmatic wisdom, has chosen me to carry. A champion, a paladin, tasked with the daunting duty of healing wounds and rebuilding bridges.

Aurelio's betrayal still lingers in the air, an acrid taste on my tongue. How can I embrace the idea of forgiveness when the wounds are so fresh? His loyalty now professed feels like a fragile facade, and I grapple with the conflicting emotions that swirl within me. Can I truly trust him with the vulnerabilities I've guarded so fiercely?

Amelie, once a steadfast companion, now feels like a distant enigma. The camaraderie we once shared has been replaced by an unspoken tension, a silent game where the rules elude my understanding. The soul I thought was mine to safeguard now seems to dance on the precipice of an unknown bargain.

Within the sisterhood, complexity weaves through every interaction. Samira's words, while meant to uplift, serve as a stark reminder of the broken pieces I grapple with internally. The eyes, now cursed to unveil the true nature of those around me, reflect the price of the bloodshed I've wrought.

As the Lillie Tor beckons for the restoration of a grove, I am left questioning the very fabric of my purpose. Can a fractured soul like mine truly mend what lies in ruin? The grand design of the tower remains an elusive puzzle, and I find myself adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

The tower's whispers resonate with the weight of expectation, and I wonder if I am merely an imperfect instrument, stumbling through a symphony I can barely comprehend. In the solitude of my chamber, the emotional tempest rages on, and I am left to navigate the turbulent sea of my own doubts.

B... R... F...