The Migrant Swarm

Started by Random_White_Guy, June 11, 2023, 12:45:09 AM

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The evening of Legate Zaniah's rise to seat, came a bellow from Legate Sol Auk, though the contents mostly unknown.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
[The sound of coins clattering] On the matter of impending swarm of Refugee, Elder Legate Sol Auk has been given... ample reason to defer to Bazeel's League, the Purple Legate, on attending such matter. THough the Gold League welcomes more customer we defer to she.

Four days later, came more uniformed speech from Voiced of Ephia's Well...

My dear friends, bend your ear for but a moment. We of the Cinquefoil Rose bring to you important news. From the walls of Rampart Nursum, 'cross the yawning, dead wastes, beyond come refugees. A great caravan, the likes of which has not been seen since the walls fell.

We Knights Cinquefoil, the ones with the most love in their hearts for the dispossessed of all, shall welcome this host with open arms and hearts. Any who flee the destruction of their homes in the Outrings are but the same as we, after all. We shall provide for them succor.

Let us not turn away those who have needs greatest of all. Let not those with foul designs prey upon them. We shall bring them into our care.

A clarion call from the Grandmaster's faithful, to usher as they before them more Refugee to the sanctuary that is Ephia. Free from the harshness of the Great Ash, nestled neath Nasaru...

It would lead to further response

QuoteEchemmon Telemanus
Isn't there a big sign right outside the Rose Gate consigning all who can't pay to stay inside the Krak to a life in the shadow of the walls, to be preyed upon by what walks the desert? Funny, that.

Better to arm them with steel in the name of the Axe so they can defend themselves in glory, than give them false promises of succour in exchange for what little they have left.

QuoteSephidra Niridhe
Oh blessed be your generous hearts. This is the kind of moment the Torchbearers were assembled for. We shall go and fetch these forlorn refugees, and guide them all back to Ephia with us. So they too can enjoy the unfettered charity of his Holiness Osman VI. A mighty beacon upon this dying world.

QuoteQari Alriyh
Dear Citizens, a Rose bellowed some time ago, recklessly, without fully understanding the situation. Await an announcement on such from the Legates, in due time. Lynneth, we shall be having words about your utter irresponsibility, when I become available later this evening.

Before coming forward with a more expounding speech from the Gold Legate, shortly after his Magistrate's chastisement of the refugee priestess Lynneth.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Greet. Scribe Kulam Kulan lends aid to Sol Auk in preparing the following statement. Please to stand by.

The Cinquefoil Rose and the Torchbearers spoke false. Ephia's Well has not the infrastructure nor the resources to endure the housing and survivability of the reported thousands upon that are making their way through the desert.

Food, Water, Homes, the tangibles that those who pursue matters of the heart over reason tend to disregard. Sol Auk offered many solutions, but rather than pursuing such the Legate of Purple saw fit to see him offered a sizeable sum of charity to stay out of things.

Legate Zaniah has set forth a plan with Lieutenant Colmes to in the coming weeks reach out to this exodus of migrants, and lend to them aid in finding place among one of the Free Cities adjacent. Sol Auk says we should still take of their children but such no longer his place to say.

But this illusion that Ephia's Well may sustain such, is now shattered. The Purple Legate shall be leading this matter with the full support of Sol Auk and the Gold League and her wisdom shall be adhered to. Seek her or Colmes if you wish sway course.

Once more the Cinquefoil Rose and Voiced among the Adventuring populace finding themselves opposite the Government's position, though nothing yet set in firm stone.

The potential first challenge of Legate Zaniah's reign, who was so heavily voted for by the Cinquefoil, seems upon the horizon.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As the sun casts longer shadows upon its setting, rings out word from Lieutenant Rennik Colmes

QuoteLieutenant Rennik Colmes
This is Lieutenant Colmes speaking. I'm not in the business of making announcements-- not normally, at least. But the office and the circumstances demand it. Last night, a delegation of Ephia's Well boarded the True Believer with the intention t'make contact with the host in the south-- this 'Swarm.'

Our intentions were first and foremost, the protection of Ephia's Well and its people. Our journey was long and not without its struggles, but that contact was made-- I'll refer to this group as the Tonsured. Thousands of desperate, starving men, united in purpose...

Guided by delusions, I am sad t'say, away from the world they left behind and into the treacherous wastes, under the merciless sun. Believing themselves t'be in possession of the Dakhwar. Loyal to the old Orentid regime, with the kind of fervor seen in those with nothing left t'lose.

Marching t'meet these refugees is an army of the Sibilant-- led by no less than Constantine Diakos, who remains alive and well, under an 'Emperor'. They seek slaves, human chattel, and regardless of the beliefs of these Tonsured, it is clear they mean them ill. Nonetheless...

It will be weeks before these two armies will meet, and weeks fer the free cities to determine the role they will take in this matter-- whether to lend these zealots their assistance or not. I have made my recommendations on this situation to the Legates, and on the risks involved by acting blindly.

Matters call me away fer the moment. Find the Legates if ye've questions. Send letter if ye seek answers from me. Live and drink.

As matters cast in a broader light, most grim news comes with offer to seek the Legates if questions had...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips