Better animal companions

Started by CoffeeBean, June 14, 2023, 07:25:53 PM

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 I would like to suggest that some of the more useless companions give passive buffs to their Ranger/Druids. This would provide more customization to ranger and Druid.

For example, while a ranger has their hawk  companion out, they get a buff to their spot and search equal their level. 

Suggestions for passive buffs:

*X: Level
Crocodile: 1+ deflection vs piercing
Dire Rat:  +X ms
Fox: + x/2 set trap,
Giant Spider:  +x/3 vs poison
Goat: 1+ fort, 5% ms
Hawk: +x spot
Hyena: +x/2 listen
Leopard: +x/2 hide
Lion: +x/2 search
Lizard: 10% fire immunity
Scarab: +x/2 vs disease
Tortoise: +1 natural ac
Viper: Use poison
Wild Dog:  1% physical immunity