[To Legate Zaniah: Isabella]

Started by Empress of Neon, June 11, 2023, 01:00:09 AM

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Empress of Neon

Quote"Dear Legate Zaniah Almirah,

I might have a solution for you to consider for the refugee crisis. Ideally, they would settle at the wall and become a protectorate of the Sultanate. Receiving aid directly from Ephia's Well as a push to a contested frontier.

The problem is that there's very likely children with them. You probably don't need me to tell you this, but most mothers generally don't want their children living on the horizon of a bloodthirsty, warmongering horde of orcs. Walls or no, that would be the expectation.

Al-Nafura is a distance away. It is an oasis that can keep the refugees' thirst quenched and also act as an intermediary to wherever they decide to go. Be it Kha'esh, Qadira (gods forbid), or elsewhere. They will be desperate when we meet, so it's important we give them room, breath and most importantly time to consider their options. That will be easier around a campfire where one's needs have been met; at least for a time.

I'm currently looking to get a rough estimate on what it would cost to import foodstuffs and other essentials. It won't be cheap; even if we get the best deal. But if we can secure those goods and give these refugees a shoulder to lean on through charity (real charity), then we can avert disaster for all parties involved.

This will mean begging the Well's affluent for what is essentially a refugee refund.

Consider this option as you go over the rest on the table. The Mother and her daughter Kula will witness such kindness.

~ Isabella de Veend"