Post Legate Appointee Palette Games Tournament

Started by Bearic, June 09, 2023, 03:33:22 AM

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(A formal string of letters and banners soon seems to flutter from the League Offices of Ephia's Well)

In Celebration of the recent election of our Purple Legate Zaniah Almirah, and continued service of our Gold Legate Sol Auk, we, of the collective Leagues, are proudly announcing a series of Tournaments upon Tabbah 11th, IY 7787!

Three Challenges are posed, therefore, by any upcoming representative of their membership in the Accord, League, or Faithful to the Wheel otherwise. A processing fee of 300 Dinars are due to a Scribe of the Sublime Gardens, and entry may only be for one of the three tournament events. Details are below!

In each challenge a participant may use 2 potions, spells or otherwise trinkets or blessings to aid them and the following restrictions based upon event. LETHAL FORCE IS PROHIBITED. ANY AND ALL MURDER SHALL BE TREATED AS SUCH! ~

The Challenge of Agaslakku - A straight forward battle where participants may use any armor or equipment they desire, but are limited to special clubs delivered before bouts. These clubs are magically enchanted to be non-lethal and gifted magical tactic and otherwise that contestants may use along with their limited pool of resources.

Challenge of Izdu - This is a battle of arcana and magical wiles. Participants shall stand in a glowing ring separated from those they face. They must either draw or remove their opponent from the opposing ring, knock them unconscious, or force their surrender, but only by magical means, or cunning. Spells and magical works are unlimited in this contest, but otherwise limits apply.

Challenge of Warad - In this contest of endurance participants must square off while wearing gauntlets and robes offered to them. No blade, bow, weapon, or magical weapon may be drawn upon, and they must pin and defeat their foes using brawn and tactic while avoiding trap and hazard among the arena.

Victors will claim a Trophy for each Feat of their respective Challenge and see an additional 5000 dinar allotment delivered to a purpose of their choice. Only 3 shall win their respective final bouts, and only 1 for each Challenge.

(A series of advertisements and propaganda from the collective Leagues follows... Investment opportunities with the Gold League,  Charitable volunteer works for the White League, Fanfare and memorial from the Purple League...)
