Maribeh Inquisition

Started by Random_White_Guy, May 25, 2023, 04:54:48 PM

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For days now, perhaps even weeks, and reasons unknown has Amelie Terrois wandered no longer with her Cinquefoil Cloak. Murmurs and whispers of a Self Imposed exile, and yet many still called by and for her upon the Bellows. Astronomers coming and going, her and they sharing name, and Cinquefoil alike.

Matters culminated yesterday.

QuoteRennik Colmes
This is Sergeant Colmes speaking. A few announcements that should be pertinent to those they relate to. It is my understanding that there are people of the Well who embark this day t'save a tortured soul, imprison a great evil, right a wrong. A great deal of secrecy around it that I'll not breach-

Fer the moment. However-- should any of the current candidates fer the seat of Legate lend their assistance to this matter, know that the risk to yer lives does not end when the matter is done. Those who partake in this matter will undergo examination fer signs of...affliction, to ensure no one has been compromised. I'll be making my way to the Krak shortly, as it would do much fer peace of mind to know who will be participating in this task, assuming it isn't underway already.

Amidst a gathering throng in the Krak de Rose to meet the Sergeant, came call further

QuoteAmelie Terrois
Amelie speaks. As the Demon's gaze passes beneath the western dunes and the stars and moon fall upon us, we shall meet, and set unto the sands. O Well, my adopted home, you have set in me singular purpose. For from our oasis shall come the rebirth of our world; the Lifeblood Waters 'flow.

And for the one I share a room with- Face your fears and insecurities. Make the most of this opportunity. Don't let it slip through your fingers, mh? Even if it means I'll have to make do without your delightful company!

Seek me, if you have cause, before the Rose Gate presently. After the Sun has set we shall meet before the Gate of Coin. [A lyrical tone.] 'Aghast, the Wyld, in verdant speech; Encamped upon the desert vast; The wounded land sought She to teach; Through Fury cast in gleaming eyes.'

[hide=Legate Sol Auk's Request]
Sol Auk ventured to the Gate of the Rose, and indeed confirmed a most curious scene as rumored. It was most curious to discover talk of a most sinister nature and indeed one that while is merited, is not without highest risk.

Doubly curious to see over seventy percent of the field of Candidates to be Legate also assembled, half of whom spoke openly of the hunt. The Sergeant has been issued orders and the Magistrate Qari stands here beside me - Any returned marred and all will suffer for risking the Seat of Ephia's governance.

It is good you wish to do good, but if you embark on this journey it is categorically foolish to risk what is risked considering the implications therein. You are encouraged to resign as Candidate if you are true to this intent. Else you will know woe.[/hide]

[hide=Narwen's Call]
The priestess of Wyld Kula calls to those that would aid her in her dangerous task. Attend to her not at the Gate of Coins, but at the great stone head further north.[/hide]

[hide=The Hero Velan Volandis' Call]
Rumors swirl today! Death, doom, misfortunes await the brave and foolish in pursuit of noble ends. Yet I, Velan Volandis, pledge my sword to this task in body and soul. Perhaps I may perish, perhaps this time too it may stick, stranger things have occured.

So if you can find me before I depart, you may have one of my perhaps all too soon, priceless autographs free of charge. Free of charge, to any and all fans. For it is they that I fight without end. The fans.[/hide]

From the Gate of Coin did the band set off, many and varied - an amalgamation of Accord and Ally, with purpose true.

And so too did they return, their numbers lessened...

[hide=Candidate Cosine Mevura's Memorium Message]
...this is A-Apothar Mevura... we have returned fr-from the expedition... with the noncompliant e-exception of Velan Volandis, all men who p-participated in the confrontation h-have been examined by m-my tools... and all women, b-by Apothar Azimi...

...the Astronomers of Q'tolip p-posthumously award th-third epoch and the title of Apothar t-to the late Lojir Trajaros... who p-perished in the d-depths of horror... proving his thesis, and the th-theory of his design...

...maybe the n-newly demonstrated Trajaros Cr-Crucible, designed and engraved b-by the hand of my late apprentice... go on to s-serve many worthy c-causes in years t-to come...[/hide]

[hide=Candidate Isabella de Veend's Memorium Message]
A somber tone. The threat is no more. The Well's waters remain pure... and when faced with the temptation of power, those who survived cast the devil's stain into flame and rejection. They remain pure... and through their labors, generations will know peace from this shadow.

... but it was not without cost. Lajir... Piroutte... give their names to your prayer to the Martyrs tonight. For they paid the ultimate price in safeguarding the future of Ephia's Well. May they never be forgotten.There was a pause. ... live and drink.[/hide]

[hide=Candidate Lynneth's Memorium Message]Lynneth
By my measure, there is no finer companion one could have had in Ephia's Well than Pirou. Her absence missed, dearly. Remember her as you pass through the Pilgrim's Plaza, where she oft lingered. Remember her cheerful demeanor, and her kindness. Her loyalty to her friends. I shall.

'We the swift remember to ye the dead, all the red blood that beats in our hearts.'[/hide]

[hide=Magistrate Qari Alriyh of Baz'eel's Inquiry]
Hello, Dear Citizens. I find it a curious thing, that we are to take the word of someone potentially corrupted by dark forces, that all are fine. I should hope the Zenithar will examine their students, and have the good sense to announce the results of such, or quietly resolve the issue.[/hide]

Come dawn though as the Merciless Sun takes to rise, somber victory gives way to new light.

Greet. Please stand by as Sol Auk repeats a statement read to him by Scribe Kulam Kulan prior to transmission.

[hide=The Maribeh Inquisition Speech]Yesterday it was revealed to Sol Auk by accidental slip of the tongue of Accord Officer in the Krak de Rose, that there was a Djinn Incursion into Ephia's Well as part of a joint Accord Operation some days prior. The creation of an 'urn' of some manner.

Yesterday evening Sol Auk in presence of Magistrate Qari, raised bellow pleading for those who would embark on implementation of this tool, would resign their candidacy for Legate before risking themselves in such worthy pursuit.

Yesterdday evening Candidates of Ephia's Legate Seat, including members of the Accord Signatory and their Officers... [In an uncharacteristic shift of tone] - Bearing names of Citizens of Ephia's well - ... were escorted by four or more Officers of the Accord Signatory to face a Djinn.

In possession of Lists of Names of Ephia's most influencial, politically minded, and Voiced individuals. Sol Auk cannot put into words, illiterate as he is, the compounded negligence, incompitence, and stupidity of this overture.

Fortunately as Legate of Ephia's Well he does not have to. These words are put in place by the Laws of Governance. Executed and carried forth by the Janissaries of the Fourth Legion. Effective Immediately there is a call for Inquisition.

Officers, Candidates, and more have risked not only their lives but all of our lives. Sergeant Rennik Colmes as ranking Janissary is hereby empowered to undertake the full breadth of Legal command given by the Signatory Accords on behalf of Ephia's Governance.

And before come the howls of the Accord for breach as done in the past in regard to Sol Auk's actions- Six Officers of the Accord, Lojir included for Posthumous Honors, were implicated either by self or other and may be subject to charges. Live and Drink.

Per agreement with the faithful and clergy, though their tournament has been canceled, the agreement stands. The Warrior shall sit firm upon the Stele as Patron of Ephia's Well for three more days as was intended.

...And as it is his style to be known, and to revel in the knowing he comes, and to salivate at the fear sown in the knowing he comes...

Upon the fourth day comes Wroth. Shall Urazzir sit Patron.[/hide]

As the peace of the day snaps - Broad claims of Dead Candidates, broad woes of Lists of Names carried to the belly of the beast, yet with much implication.

An Inquisition given broad powers,

Officers of the Accord, Canddiates, and Voiced individuals to be questioned,

In four days, Wroth itself upon the Stele...

Swiftly did rebuking come forth

QuoteEstellise Azimi
I will be brief, as I still have paperwork to do in the aftermath of yesterday's events, which themselves were the culmination of many days of planning. The Tower will not stand idly nor suffer consequences for doing our duty and seeing threats to Ephia's Well handled to the fullest extent.

If you have any questions regarding the operation, seek me out. If I am once again exiled in my sleep, I will be extremely irritated.

QuoteIsabella de Veend
This is Ambassador Isabella. I understand an inquisition has been called for following the recent mission to safeguard Ephia's Well against the d'jiin. I will remind everyone... this is not the first time the people of the Citadel have set out to contend with such evil.

I remember fondly the nine days of excorcism Sister Afsana and the faithful performed to destroy a terrible relic of evil... how many attempts were made by the vile creatures to coerce or seize it. But we endured... and through purity, rid the world of that terrible weapon.

There was no clamour for an inquisition back then... why would there be? The Mother's work was done... as it must be. For nothing less is demanded to ensure life goes on... to keep Ephia's Well secure from the threats within and without...

... that said, I happily invite the inquisition to check my person... again. I shall make my way to the barracks when bade. The Wroth always gets his dues... and it is not the innocent who should fear his gaze from the Stele.

QuoteVelan Volandis
Dearest and beloved fans and citizens, please stand by for my gentle rebuke.

Upon the stele rests the name Agaslakku so it is beneath this spoke I shall answer the rancor that has arisen today while I rested my weary head, as I am beloved by he as I am by all the spokes of the Wheel.

Truly if it is to become normal that the Accord is to be called into quesiton for rising to defend the well from the rising influence of djinn, I beg thee Legate and all powers of the Well. Where might I surrender my dearest cloak?

Where might I turn over my crimson and darkened armor so that I may wander the wastes in search of another settlement, that respects the name upon which they raise up? For no settlement under the Agaslakku would demure thusly.

So I say, gladly, bring upon me your inquisition if you like. I shall bare my ass in the courts for all to inspect. Make a mockery of the spoke you claim to raise up this day. I shall take the blame for this and all those who walked beside me.

For they, like I, to the last are as I - heroes.

And so a solemn night gives way to contentious day. Only some of the involved heard from, and no word yet from the newly named "Inquisitor".

Time will tell what comes...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Overnight after many hours of many Signatory Officers and Candidate paraded through the Garriosn, came announcement.

[hide=Inquisitor's Evening Address]
[A weary exhale.] Sergeant Colmes speaking. Newly named 'Inquisitor', aye, and many questions asked, many answers heard. Many more remain t'be found in the matter of this Jinn expedition. Ye will be found, in short order, and by Urazzir, ye'll come quietly when called. As fer those I spoke with tonight-

Some of ye are not without guilt. Some of ye /know/ that, but the others may need a reminder. Sleep, now, but with one eye open. Ye'll hear from me soon enough, and I imagine the news will not be to yer liking.[/hide]

Come early dawn there was no word, but as the morning grew to full effect as the Merciless Sun took to rise came announcement.

QuoteRennik Colmes
Four nights ago, Ephia?s Well suffered an attack from Jinn, directed upon the property of the Alchemist guildhouse. This attack was intended to sunder an urn, commissioned by former Acolyte Amelie Terrois with the intention of imprisoning a Jinn which tormented her and Alfred Delafosse...

Also formerly of the Cinquefoil Rose. This was kept a secret to many, but the dangers were felt by all. Two nights ago, Terrois led a group of folk from the Well to an isle on the Sea of Pearls to capture the djinn that hunted both her and Delafosse. They were hounded by creatures from start to end.

Two people would lose not just their lives, but their very souls on this venture. This venture cannot be called a success. Delafosse remains marked? cast out by those who once sheltered his sins, once it was clear they could no longer be hidden.

Two Legate candidates brought petitions; a list of names, within reach of the Jinn. An inexcusable risk. Isabella de Veend and Cosine Mevura, both of the Purple, are unfit for the task of leadership. Renounce your candidacy by primary's end, or be called to trial on charges of Treason.

Candidates Lynneth and Kythaela?s crimes are more of character. Did they hide the afflictions of their own--Terrois and Delafosse-- by their ignorance or malicious intent? If they cannot keep their own houses in order, how can we expect them to shepherd our people?

[A quiet exhale.] The inquisition continues. Terrois-- we'll have words by the end of the day, no doubt. Those of ye who went on this accursed venture and haven't yet heard from me-- expect it, and soon. Better yet-- find me yerself and save the effort

And like a kicked Wasp's nest outside the Gates of Ephia's well, did the Bellows of the Palatial Pyramid and Krak de Rose take to stinging.

[hide=Magistrate Balestriere Kragg's Rebuke]Kragg  Stonefury
'The Banda Rossa is as responsible for the actions of the Balladeers and the Sisters as you are every voiced citizen Sergeant Colmes... This entire song'n dance'yer pullin' is bull shit and you know it, you just want to fuck with folks runnin' fer the other seat.'

'I were there on that night, and I came to the Garrison freely, willingly... And I was asked no questions, as one who has paid for a voice, and has earned it through labor, the way you lot handled yourselves last night was a joke.'

'So, atleast speak truely, you only want /specific/ folks, the ones runnin' 'fer the seat, or whatever hidden agenda you wish'ta hide.'[/hide]

[hide=The Inquisitor's Counterpoint]Rennik Colmes
I support the League of Purple, Balestriere. What motive would I have to sabotage my own League? I asked fer specific people last night, and it took the better part of it t'question them. We'll get to the rest in due time.

I come down to yer patch of carpet in the Krak and direct ye how t'keep the floor clean? Don't think so. Ye know where I am, and this would go much quicker that way. But that would require ye to /walk/. Don't waste my time.[/hide]

[hide=Candidate-Balestriere Kythaela the Lion's Rebuke]Kythaela Reithel
Now hear this. This is Balestriere Kythaela Reithel. Candidate for the League of Gold. Delafosse was never under my command. And if any in the Banda Rossa were caught brookin', it would be delt with. Swiftly and publically. It is not permitted now, later, nor ever.

When Delafosse was caught doin' it, he were fired immediately from the Balladeers. Turned over to the Janissaries. And they let him fucking walk.

You lot should've done what you could when you had the chance. That's all.[/hide]

[hide=Isabella's Surrender]Isabella de Veend
Can't say I'm surprised it's come to this. Not once, in any of my encounters with d'jiin, have myself or my companions in Ephia's Well and abroad been told that written name is an endangerment. Not once. From -any- expert who safeguards us from these greater evils...

The premise itself... makes no sense. Why? Tis simple. How many of you walk around with letters from correspondents? Journals? Ledgers, contacts, notes and more upon your persons? How many of you carry some written word in mention of your neighbors or persons of import?

To accept this premise that's been insisted on in a particular time under particular circumstances is to criminalize any and all; including victims unfortunate enough to simply encounter d'jiin; who bear some measure of learning in the dunes. In the Sultanate.

A pause at the interruption. Accepting this... is to damn any man or woman who risks their very souls to honor some of the most important tenants of The Wheel. Protect life... seek purity... tend the garden... to name but a few.

It is, in itself... actively and knowingly undermining our security... not just our lives, or our future, but our very souls... to intimidate or bade the realm's guardians away from this struggle with so great an evil. It is a premise... that can not come to pass.

Sergeant Colmes, I'll be coming over by the barracks to turn myself in. I shall not let this allow this unfounded precedent to haunt the citizens of Ephia's Well. They deserve better. This was Isabella.[/hide]

QuoteIsabella de Veend
This is Isabella... I've been given a few hours to get my affairs in order. I'd like to speak to you, Cosine, Estellise... one of you... at Towertop. Oathseekers, I will be there for a time.

With word circulating of Ex-Ambassador of Frostport, Voiced Isabella de Veend's submission for Trial of Treason, came forth further word.

[hide=Candidate-Apothar Cosine's Rebuke]Cosine Mevura
...hello... th-this is Apothar Mevura... it is p-puzzling to me that the J-Janissaries have become c-complicit in the conspiracies of Sol Auk a-against his political opponents... but I will not be w-withdrawing my petition... is nonsense, by the very premise, to thr-threaten charges of treason... if I do not p-pull out of the race...? ...what disappointingly n-naked corruption from an o-organization I spoke in defense of... just l-last night...

...either I am g-guilty, or I am n-not... and I am not... think to d-dictate what is and isn't d-dangerous when dealing with djinn... to th-those whose expertise is, indeed, this sp-specific matter... physical b-bodies entered the p-power of the djinn, and so no physical p-possessions (such as signature lists) w-were exposed to them...

...even on the false p-premise that... hm...?[/hide]

[hide=Candidate-Balladeer Lynneth]
I do not enjoy my character being called into question over all of this, myself. I find it rather disappointing, given the understanding extended toward our dear friends in the Fourth Legion o'er their own unruly and secretive subordinates and comrades.

Let us recall the tale of Alciedes, the final chapter penned not that long ago, over our next drinks and think to ourselves... 'Did Lynneth crow, o'er the Bellows, over the Legion's lack of attentiveness to this man and his deranged beliefs?' Perhaps she ought have.[/hide]

[hide=Legate Sol Auk's position]Legate Sol Auk
Greet. Sol Auk announces that the Labor of Governance resumes. Should any have need to speak he will be available for the next hour's time. Furthermore there appears to be some misconceptions so Sol Auk shall offer pristiine clarification.

Apothar Mevura has twice in two days accused Sol Auk of falsehoods. First, the Apothar knows nothing of the City's budget. HIs claims extracted with great and sacred labor from his hindquarter. Second - Sol Auk has no political opponents. Nor is there some grand conspiracy.

Whomever rises as Second Legate, regardless of League, will be able to pay so much charity to Sol Auk to support their initiatives. He looks forward to sitting as Elder Statesman. This investigation is an effort of the Sultan's Janissaries. The Inquisition only how Sol AUk shows support.

That so many have complied is not a poor thing, it is how investigations of such magnitude are supposed to be carried out. If there is to be trials to come it is upon the Janissaries to present their case. Good day.[/hide]

Shortly thereafter came additional and further ministrations of political maneuver.

QuoteThere is a groundswell of rumors in Ephia's Well that Cosine Mevura of the League of Purple has gathered enough signatures to run as their candidate for Legate and awaits the League's decision. Competitors may still yet arise ...

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
As the Liaison Mae of the Astronomers have been met with, and it sounds there may be litigation this evening, Sol Auk makes brief announcement before he retires to the Labor of Bathing for this afternoon. Only Sol Auk may sit over the Inquisitor's trials, due to bias from both Magistrate.

And with such a defiant maneuver against the Sergeant of the Janissaries by Apothar Mevura - Or perhaps of other matter entirely, comes pivot from the Ex-Ambassador and Candidate Veend

[hide=Candidate Isabella de Veend's Challenge to the Janissaries]
This is Isabella. It's come to my attention that there has been a serious violation of The Accord, the treaty that binds Ephia's Well together, in the recent handlings of this inquisition, the Legion... and Sol Auk...

According to The Accord, matters pertaining to Ephia's Well security against the supernatural; particularly against d'jiin; are in fact to be delegated to the Astronomers' expertise in the digestion of what is true and what is false pertaining to knowledge against these greater evils.

The Legion, dutiful as it is, is by and such willfully and knowingly breaching The Accord by failing to honor this simple expectation. And no, friends... I'm sorry to say Legates do not superceed this either.

Sol Auk has proven incompetent in his duties as Legate. And by willfully breaching the Accord, threatened the stability of Ephia's Well. The Legion... dutiful as it is... is simply doing its duty. But any trials brought forth with 'expertise' outside The Accord on matters of d'jiin would be, in themselves...

... unlawful. Undermining confidence in the government and the stability of the Citadel. The Legion's reluctance to accept my submission to trial has, unfortunately, only confirmed what is already known. And thus, I must refuse any attendance to trial over these matters.

To do so, in light of this, would be complacent in violation of this treaty. If you truly believe me guilty... that you have not breached this pact that binds the Citadel... then you must arrest me.

This was Isabella.[/hide]

QuoteAmbient Message
There is a groundswell of rumors in Ephia's Well that Isabella de Veend of the League of Purple has gathered enough signatures to run as their candidate for Legate and awaits the League's decision. Competitors may still yet arise ...

In the morning threat was lain by Sergeant Rennik Colmes upon his fellows in the Purple League.

To surrender petitions or face charges of treason.

Come afternoon not one, but both of the would be Candidate submitted their petitions to the League of Purple Offices.

Both laying considerable blame at Legate Sol Auk's feet, a common political gambit in recent weeks.

With Aglasku upon the Stele for three more days...

And three days until the shift from Aglasku to Wroth upon the Stele.

Matters shift back to the Janissaries to see if it was bluff or threat lain by the Sergeant upon his fellow Purple League Candidates.

...Time, it seems, will tell.

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Throughout the day comes many curious meetings, many curious rumors, and above all - odd result.

After a night of inquiry of the woman Amelie by Sergeant Colmes, and call raised for many other, the morning gave way to rumor spread without much word or fanfare...

Two Astronomers withdrawing from the Maribeh Election.

QuoteAmbient Message]
Another rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Mae Stern of the League of White has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

QuoteAmbient Message:
Another rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Cosine Mevura of the League of Purple has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

QuoteDm Shout

A bright gleaming light over the Well. A light that sizzles, burns, and makes weary. That chases those afoot into shade, there to linger for hours or more - to take chai, and no small measure of water, to gaze up at that blue emptiness above and try to recall the rain.

Even the trees seem to sag beneath the heat. Even those hardy desert plants wither. Such a day is this. Such an hour.

And in this sleepy frontier town, Ephia's Well, the talk is all of politics. Of elections to come, of bribes and plots worked in the cool places of the Well. A calm has settled over the place, no terror of enemies within - merely the grinding work of democracy, its slow churn.

Bandits snap at the feet. Talk of Orentids come again, in vain search for their dead Queen. But .. the Well endures. It is safe. It is hot.

Above the Citadel, the Ecstatic Terrace hangs in the air. Baz'eel's hand, outstretched over her most beloved satrapy. From her spires issue prayers to the Mother, to the Magi and to the Wanderer. Like a dirge they roll across the walls, and out into the
Ephia's Well: a day such as any other.

Maribeh 27th, 7787 IY.

As the day proceeding it gave way to a frenetic evening. Slow at first before cascading...

QuoteRennik Colmes
Sergeant Rennik Colmes speaking. Balladeer Lynneth, afraid I need t'interrupt yer evening. Like t'speak with at the Garrison. Live and drink.

Hours passed after the call, to a point in which a Dwarven Balestriere arrived demanding answers for how long the Balladeer was in for questioning.

Was it an arrest? Inquisition? Negotiation? No word came. The hourglass of time pressed further. No trial, no bellows, nothing.

Ultimately upon the challenge of Shalil did word finally come -  Legate Sol Auk seen exiting the Garrison with the Balladeer, before making for the Coinchangers then the White League's Office.

QuoteAmbient Message:
Another rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Lynneth of the League of White has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

An Astronomer and Cinquefoil candidate perishing.

Three more candidates -  One Nadiri and two Officers of the Accord in Balladeer and Apothar, stepping away from the Election.

The Purple League cut to two - Isabella de Veend who at last heard was challenging Sergeant Colmes to arrest her, and Candidate Toileigh of the Banda Rossa.

The Gold League cut to three - Argus the Chairman of the Gold League, the High Priestess Mari Blacke and Balestriere Kythaela the Gold Lion jockeying.

The White League, vacant of any Candidate at all... until Apothar Azimi enters the field, swiftly collecting signatures and submitting her petition in the dead of night.

QuoteAmbient Message:
Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Estellise Azimi of the League of White is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.

QuoteAmbient Message:
There is a groundswell of rumors in Ephia's Well that Estellise Azimi of the League of White has gathered enough signatures to run as their candidate for Legate and awaits the League's decision. Competitors may still yet arise ...

QuoteEstellise Azimi
This is Estellise Azimi, Astronomer, and Apothar of the Second Epoch. I have submitted my petition to the White League already, but if anyone wishes to know where I stand on politics, feel free to ask me. But not right now. I'm tired and going to rest soon.

Considering her short tenure and stunt in the Purple League last election, questions easily raised.

If nothing else it is far from a boring primary season, with Candidates soon chosen in a few days time...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As some withdraw, others step forward, and as those others step forward, some do it with much fanfare, others with very little...

[hide=Candidate Isabella's Entreating]Friends... this has been a rather interesting primary this election. While I can't say it hasn't been without controversy, I can safely admit that it has been at least somewhat more cordial... outside a few instances. Tis how it should be. Beyond the politics, after all, we are neighbors... not enemies.

There is... less a knot in my heart, as I look to the other Leagues this election. Deeds always speak louder than words. I might not agree with your policies or agenda, but you've proven to me by what you're ready to sacrifice for this realm and its people that you do genuinely hold their interests to heart.

... even if that means giving up everything to see it so. You will always have my respect for that. I sincerely hope we get to have those great debates together in the secondaries soon. You know who you are. Live and drink![/hide]

Afterwards comes further encroachment from the Cinquefoil Rose

QuoteAmbient Message:
Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Alejandro Benjazar of the League of White is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.

QuoteAlejandro Benjazar
Buen dia, everyone. Since it seems lovely maneuvers have made two of my friends in the League retire their candidacy, and since another found a tragic death, I am now stepping forth as a candidate for the League of White. Little time remains, but one can strive to achieve, yes? A chuckle

I shall be arround the Well for any who needs to ask me, and to gather signatures. But here's a summary of my policy proposals: easier access to the Voice, less abuse of the Justice system, the freedom to mock, jest, and speak your mind, and the promotion of historical research.

Now find me around, if you wish. I do need some signatures, after all. Live and drink!

Twenty minutes later, did the Sisters of the Sybiline Sisterhood join the College of Balladeers, now bringing forth candidacy for the League of Purple.

QuoteZvada Athais
Alejandro, dear - if you are aware - please come to the Krak. I have something to discuss and I believe you will love it. There is some kind of cheerful note to the old Zvada's voice.

QuoteAmbient Message:
Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Zvada Athais of the League of Purple is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.

For four hours there is silence. Some simply resting, others tending contract and affair.

Accord Signatories shuffling seats, shuffling entire leagues even, Sol Auk is seen descending from the Palatial Pyramid.

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Greetings. If Sol Auk may have your attention please, for announcement as the Labor of Governance commences.

The Maribeh Inqusitiion is hereby concluded. Sergeant Rennik Colmes had come to Sol Auk with legitimate concern, of legitimate seeking of support, for no shortage of matter in the interest in preservation of peaceful resolution.

The Astronomers of Q'tolip and the Cinquefoil Rose have spent much of time these last few days negotiating away the charges of Treason in exchange for removing themselves from the naked and overt attempts at seizing power of Ephia's Well. Sol Auk will now share the words of Balladeer Lynneth.

'These pursuits were not the commands of the Grandmaster, nor Lyrist, nor Superior. Merely the hope that I could do a good and worthy job'. - Good words, and fair intention, from a goodly woman. A Woman who cares deeply for her charges, and those under her protection.

She proceeded to share how she felt pulled in a hundred direction as matters high and low take attention of our Accord Signatories. She and Rennik Colmes spoke at length regarding the demands and duties, and came to amicable decision.

However this tactic of hers has ran its course. The instigating force that lead to Accord Signatories pursuing the seat of Legate has willingly withdrawn. Many have moved overnight to fill the void, so Sol Auk shall share the usual Candor he is known for.

There is one day, eleven hours, and fifteen odd minutes remaining in the primary. If the League of White, the League of Gold, or the League of Purple's officers choose to select a member of the Signatory Accord to sit  as Legate Canddiate of Ephia's Well, there shall be the following consequence:

For nearly ten minutes time, mid speech, there is no broadcast upon the Bellow. Within the Palatial Pyramid can Sol Auk be seen simply walking away, heading back up the elevator to whatever business a Legate tends.

Shortly later he returns.

...That silence you hear?

A silence in which Sol Auk had labored both dutifully and hard to see Ephia's Governance restored from.

If the Leagues of Politics present even a single Accord Signatory as Candidate tomorrow, it is a noise you shall all know.

As the Janissaries will not need an inqusition, but simply their choosing to pursue those deemed Traitor without Magistrate or Legate.
As the Astronomers resume their claims of License and more.
As the Cinquefoil their territory and fighting and more. Interregnum.

Weight it well, Leagues.
It means little to Sol Auk but means a great deal, to a great many people.
For despite the claims of many he has done fair work to reign in all sides of the Accord.
And as Wroth soon upon the Stele... Interregnum brings much.
Live and Drink.

Interregnum. A word that became synonymous with the chaos in the wake of the death of Legate John Syter and the disappearance of Legate Adiah Zarat.

Interim-Legate Rashid al-Rashid quit, decrying the Astronomers of Q'tolip and his hatred of the politics of Legate.

Now it seems, Sol Auk prepared to do the same, but not before placing Wroth upon the Stele of Law as Patron of Ephia's Well as he promised.

One day before open elections for the most powerful seat in Ephia's Well...

...Legate Sol Auk is drawing a line for the League Offices of Politics, the Officers and Leaderhsip of the Accord Signatories, Baz'eel, or any whom are listening.

Considering a High Priestess of Gellema and Mercenary War Criminal of La Banda Rossa sit for the Gold League Candidates,

Considering a woman suspected of equal religious inclinations and a Mercenary War Criminal of La Banda Rossa sit for the Purple League, alongside a newly raised Sister of the Sybalant Vibe.

Considering a Balladeer of the College of Balladeers and Apothar 2nd Echelon sit for the White League -

Considering a Sergeant of the Janissaries has been checking names off a list in "Inquisition of Djinn Influence and Treason",

QuoteAaisha al-Samar
Thank the Wheel the Well has Decent Mizzar... [Ahem] Scribe al-Samar speaking. Many have heard the announcements of changes in the candidates for Legateship, and quite late into the election as well. These new candidates shall of course be presented with the same chance for a Summary.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As the Merciless Sun burns overhead comes further political scandal in the wake of the Legate's threat of Resignation.

[hide=Rebuke by Candidate Alejandro Benjazar]
Live and Drink, everyone. You hear the voice of Alejandro Benjazar. Ignoring that /someone/ seems to have woken in an ill mood from his bath, I have just finished my interview and would like to continue gathering signatures and support as candidate for the League of White.

Friends, voiced and voiceless, and in particular members of the League, please seek me at your earlies convenience. I shall be most likely in the Krak, ready to answer your questions and, perhaps, earn your trust. Live and drink![/hide]

[hide=Voiced Citizen's concerns]Do you really think people can't see this for the blatant powergrab that it is, Rosebuds? A candidate in every League? At least the Astronomers had the good sense to drop out. You're violating every social norm in Ephia's Well with your madness - and I fear you shall suffer the consequences.

Who knew Toleigh was an ardent supporter of the League of Purple! Is this some kind of joke?

I'm not laughing. And I promise you, should the Sultan wake up and see what you're doing, he won't be, either.

Noura al-Mahdi
Let's stick to facts, at least. Apothar Azimi has submitted a petition, so can't say the Astronomers have given up all their aspirations. May the best candidate win, eh?

Voiced Citizen
That's even worse, you fool. You have no idea the games you're playing at.[/hide]

[hide=Janissary Aseph's Petition]Ferric Aseph
'Mn- It does dismay me to hear that some would openly attempt to grasp power by falsely aligning themselves with all the leagues. Thus, - '

'As a true member of the League of purple and a firm believer in their set tenets, I will put forth a petition to see the names of these falsely aligned struck from the books of the Purple league.'

'If you are a true memeber of the Purple league, I, Janissary Aseph, ask you to put your name alongside my own. Live and Drink.'[/hide]

[hide=Toleigh and Alejandro's Rebuke]Toleigh Castal
Toleigh here. Been a supported of the League of Purple since before most of you even blew in. Just because I joined the Company doesn't mean I have to have certain views. I ain' some mindless prat that gets told what to believe.

Alejandro Benjazar
Buen dia again, my friends. Much Bellowing with fear, or perhaps anger. I have been, of course, a member of the White League for a very long time... But I understand some have concerns. And firmly believe, as part of my policy, that a Voiced citizenship /ought/ to have the right to use their Voice, yes?

Thus, I can only invite those with concerns over what /my/ Legateship would mean to seek me out, for I shall make time to attend to your needs. We of the White League, after all, wish to govern for all: Voiced, Voiceless, those within and without the Accord. Live and drink, my friends.[/hide]

[hide=Marriet the Madsword's Mad-words]Marriet Fineweather
Alright, well onto really more important people, I think mister Toleigh is the wrong person to go after, when I'd like to think that there's a far bigger threat in the midst of my own league, the league of Gold. As the Champion of the Palette games, I hope you heed my words.

Miss Kythaela should not be supported in the league of Gold, I believe her to be one of these false flags lying in our midst who has an agenda all her own. Those who truly believe in the league of gold, I ask, did you sign her petition, we should have it audited. How many were gold!

How many were gold!

How many were gold miss Kythaela! We need to know, if you do not have a majority of signatures from the Gold league than you are not fit to be in our league![/hide]

[Hide=Balladeer Lynneth and Candidate Kythaela the Gold Lion's rebuke]Lynneth
Marriet Fairweather, the Arena's boast, / A halfling who's loyalty is to naught but Sol Auk, otherwise gave up the ghost. / Her glory but a speck in the grandest of schemes, / Irrelevant, she basks in her delusional dreams.

Kythaela Retithel
This is Kythaela Retithel, the Golden Lioness. Every fuckin' signature I got legitimately. I've got plenty gold members, including the entireity of the Alchemists Guild and beyond. I've debated in public. I've assured people that I'm not a False Flag or whatever it is you're goin' on.

I've put my goddamn life on the line for Ephia's Well and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone I fought in the Arena alongside, on behalf of the same league, give me shit for doin' something I believe in.[/hide]

[hide=Scarab Johan Marssos' Rebuke]
Heya, Scarab Marssos here. You know, I don't think anyone has ever wondered- but you all realize that the Banda Rossa are mercenaries. And two of them are running for Legate. I am sure their valor is wonderful, loaded to the brim with lively activities. But at the end of the day they are paid..

So you just have to ask, who's payrolling them to run and ruin our beautiful home... And, wouldn't you think it's simply embarassing that, instead of trying to find a candidate, and actively engage in any sort of intrigue, they all decided, 'Yes, I should be Legate.' Instead of putting faith in any other citizen

The same people, mind you, these same Rossans, that actively fight against Jannisarries at every chance they get. The same Rossans that, you know, would sell you in a heart beat for dinar. Because that's what they are. Mercenaries. Just think a little, people.[/hide]

[hide=Candidate Zvada Athais' Rebuke]
This is Sister-Acolyte Zvada. What I find curious is not the amount of arguments thrown back and forth between all of the people on the Bellows today, but the yells of people of free citizens among the Voiced... And yet, lack of them in any sort of way - the last election, the first one after...

... tragedy of the Great Storm brought about an untold amount of potential among these who could have risen to the name of Legate - or other places in Well. And so did Sol Auk - he used his skills and wit to raise to the seat of Legateship. And now, I ask... where are the others? Where...

... are the people who are supposed to be new starts of the night sky of the Well? I will tell you where - wasted away - only a few remaining in the Well, even among the Voiced. Where was support for the new people, as it was in chaos of first election?[/hide]

[hide=Magistrate Qari Alriyh's Sage Counsel]
I shall remind the apprentice who just spoke, that the Astronomers are also fielding just as many candidates. While two dropped out, two more have since taken their place. It is incredibly uncivil for both organizations to use this as a means to jockey and further their rivalries within the accords.

For the Jannisary who is petitioning against Toleigh, I urge you this - Toleigh indeed furthers the ideals of Purple, accompanying me even last eve to the Markets of Kha'esh, in matters of trade. Do not slander those you do not know, dear Soldier. Your petition is senseless, and only sows needless chaos.

Lastly, to address the only argument of sense made in these many bellows - It is true that it is wildly irresponsible for those candidates of the accords to constantly leave the well and risk mortal peril. They need not shed their colors, but this wasteful obsession with the board is a threat to our leadership.

I would hope that if chosen as legate, they would commit to remaining within the well, to ensure their day-to-day activities are those of governance, not eking out bloodshed and coin across the sands.[/hide]

After an unrelenting onslaught across the bellows, the Scribes no doubt welcoming the boost to the treasury, came an unexpected declaration

From the Office of the Legate, Sol Auk. Officers of the Cinquefoil Rose Baldadeer Lynneth, Baladeer Alejandro, Balestriere Kythaela, and Recluta Toleigh, along with Candidate Zvada, are cordially invited by Soon-to-Be retired Legate Sol Auk to the House of Governance.

As it was drowned out by a campaign speech by Toleigh, came the Legate himself over the Bellows

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
Officers and Candidates of the Cinquefoil Rose. As the Scribe was perhaps drown out by Candidate Toleigh's prepared speech, Sol Auk will speak with a bit more candor. The Cinquefoil Rose Officers and Candidate are summoned to the Chamber of Assembly.

A closed Chamber Assembly meeting with the Officers of the Rose. The last of such lead to the capitulation of Sol Auk on many matters - including the Stele of Gellema, and demand for Assembly by the Rose for other legal adjustment including the right to run for Legate.

Rumors swirl as a tiny Ashfolk man in odd garb is seen visiting both chambers of the Legates. The word... Consulate, uttered by Scribes and the Janissaries stationed as they snap to crisp attention.

Rashid al Rashid, Sol Auk, the Cinquefoil. To meet. What to happen...

Four minutes after this announcement answer given.

[hide=Announcement of Acolyte Concession]
[A soft voice] The Acolyte Zvada shall withdraw her candidacy for the League of Purple. That is all...[/hide]

QuoteAmbient Message:
Another rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Zvada Athais of the League of Purple has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

One of the Cinquefoil - by call or by other circumstance, immediately withdraws from contention. While in Defiance, comes other rumor...

QuoteAmbient Message:
There is a groundswell of rumors in Ephia's Well that Kythaela Reithel of the League of Gold has gathered enough signatures to run as their candidate for Legate and awaits the League's decision. Competitors may still yet arise ...

While other matters take of the Bellows, for one hour and ten minute's time is there silence from the street-level commanding officers of the Cinquefoil Rose and no word from the Palatial Pyramid.

Speculation runs rampant.

What is not rampant however - the Results.

[hide=Alejandro Benjazar's Concession Speech]
Buen dia, everyone. You hear the merry Alejandro Benjazar! An amused chuckle I would like to thank the seventeen people, Voiced and Voiceless, who trusted me in the few hours I gathered signatures, and supported my candidacy. However, for the sake of the Well, I am about to drop my --

--short-lived candidacy. I encourage members of the League of White to continue to work tirelessly, and to fall behind their new candidate. Perhaps I shall run next election, hm? Who knows! Please, do remember to be brave, to be kind, and to not be

Now! May we all sleep tighter tonight, eh? No invasion, no wicked plot. For we, of the Rose, care about the Well above all. We have bleed for it, and will again. Remember that, in the election. Live and drink, now... For I got a Legate behind me A chuckle Live and drink![/hide]

QuoteAmbient Message:
Another rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Alejandro Benjazar of the League of White has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

[hide=Candidate Toleigh's Concession Speech]
Hate politics.[/hide]

QuoteAnother rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Toleigh Castal of the League of Purple has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

Over the hour as one after another of the Cinquefoil Rose withdraws from the political battlefield,
an unexpected name arises among the Purple League's Candidates,
With jubilant praise from a Janissary Scarab

QuoteAmbient Message:
Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Zaniah Almirah of the League of Purple is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.

[Hide=Zaniah Almirah's Candidacy Announcement]
I had -sincerely- hoped it would not come to this, but with the loss of Toleigh as potential candidate, I find myself driven into a corner. And so, here at the last- I throw in my own name. The Seat of Legate would not be a grand thing for my own happiness- But this is more important.

And so, I ask for those who'd support me, to come find me upon the steps of the Palatial Pyramid. I will require signatures. And quickly, at that. Thank you. Live and Drink.[/hide]

[hide=Scarab Johan's Jubilation]Johan Marssos
So looks like the cat's outta the bag, and things are returning to semi-normalcy. Great job everyone, this scarab's real proud of you. Speaking of proud, my word goes out to the two lovely ladies running for the League of Purple, since they're the only ones who remain independent of signatorie influence.

Maybe the other leagues can take a hint from the real rulers of the Well, and follow in the Purple league's steps? Heh.[/hide]

And so it came to pass.

The Cinquefoil Rose reduced to one Potential Candidate, Kythaela of the Gold League.

The Astronomers of Q'tolip reduced to one potential Candidate, Estellise Azimi of the White League.

And Legate Sol Auk would remain seated, that Ephia may fully find itself healed.

The night was predominately quiet, and matters settled to-

...another announcement?

QuoteAmbient Message:
Another rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Isabella de Veend of the League of Purple has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

[hide=Isabella's Concession]Isabella de Veend
This is Isabella. I originally ran this election because I saw too many weak and suspect candidates in the League of Purple. And now, just as I did in the previous election... I stand on strong ground to win the primaries. Mh? One moment Estellise...

Serving Ephia's well... and the Sultanate... however, is a question of where we are most useful. Where we belong. Where the state and realm benefit most from our labors and duties. I've held two tenants of the Wheel closest to me and my life... and they were simply this...

'Protect life. Tend the garden.'.There was a pause. ... that is no longer as Legate. Kythaela... Estellise... Zaniah...

... friends, you are in good hands. Live and drink.[/hide]

The Political Tectonics of Ephia's Well shaking, shattering, shifting. Names one by one, falling from contention. One rising in Zaniah who campaigns most of the evening-  but is it to late?

For now sits the field:

White League: Apothar Azimi
Gold League: Argus, Kythaela, Mari Blacke
Purple League: Zaniah Almirah

...if that shall remain to tomorrow evening when Candidates are announced... is difficult to say at this point.

But the Maribeh Inquisition draws to a close on a dramatic final day, and with it the Field cut to five...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips