Toleigh Traditional Tarrifslash

Started by Random_White_Guy, May 23, 2023, 03:35:29 AM

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Hours before the kick off of the Election, came announcement. The practice of Doubled-Voice was sundered. Not by grand political overture at the Assembly, not with chanting and howls over the Bellows, not even by League Politics at much of all.

A Recluta recognized as Toleigh was seen entering into the Palatial Pyramid as Sol Auk spoke with a small Ashfolk woman serving as Scribe of the Sublime Garden. And simply - Removed a purse and asked to speak with him in private.

Over the preceding hour came calls from the Alchemists Guild, Krak de Rose, and others seeking business with Toleigh to no avail.

Eventually though came word on high.

Please to forgive, Minister Gers,
for Toleigh was embroiled with Sol Auk in matters of politic,
of which you know first hand is no swift endeavor as nothing ever swift in such.
That being said-

Lengthy was our debate and while some heated words thrown, Recluta Toleigh made some fair points.
Worthy points.
The Purple League has ever endeavored to tend to the Voiceless but so too the Voiced and it is a tradition that makes Ephia's Well strong.

From the months past of Sol Auk trading water and dinar with Small Lucious of the Purple League,
to the dutiful workings of many of the Purple League's efforts home by Sergeant Colmes,
and abroad as Ambassador Isabella tends to Frost Port - Tradition.

Paperwork has been drafted and this evening the Toleigh Traditional Tariffslash will be put into effect.
The cost of Voiced to be returned to 5,000 dinar.
As it was, as it shall be, traditionally set. A victory for the Recluta,
Live and Drink.

Not long later came announcement - if such was stalling the election or not is anyone's speculation.

QuoteDM Shout:
-- Maribeh 23rd, IY 7787: As the price of voiced once more returns to as it was, the formal announcement of the beginning of the election for the seat held by temporary appointed Rashid al-Rashid, begins. --

-- Certain parties either shunned or alienated by Legate Sol Auk's policies and antics hope to curve and challenge them with their own representative. While others hoping to make a name for themselves and curve a position of power and authority weave between the many desires of those party to the Accord.

So begins at long last,
With a deluge of Voiced and Politicians flocking the League offices - near as many as the entire field in the last election - joined within the first hour of declaration of the petitions opening,
More yet still if they desire free to join, if they satisfy the criteria.

The Maribeh Election commences...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips