Announcing from the Office of Population Census

Started by -UnholyWon-, May 16, 2023, 07:15:49 AM

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Greetings Voiced & Unvoiced of Ephias Well!

The Office of Voiced Affairs is proud to announce the formation of the Clerk of Population Census, Scribe Petro Anders.

What is the Census?

     The Census is being put into place in order to track the growing needs of Ephias Well Voiced and Unvoiced inhabitants. As our population grows, so do its needs, and its responsibilities to provide adequate protection, charitable support, and equal opportunities to thrive within the community.

How can you help complete the Census?

     There is a questionnaire in place and with this questionnaire we are able to collect the data required to see our community grow and flourish. We ask you to answer the questionnaire to the best of your abilities. We understand there may be some barriers to you completing a questionnaire, but Scribe Petro Anders is there to assist through the process. Schedule a time to meet with him and he will take down your answers and get you set up as one the proud Voiced and Unvoiced to have contributed to the cities growth and development.

How is the data going to be used?

     That is a great question! The census data will allow us to identify the needs of the community and how we can address them through the Assembly and Budget. Many of you are skilled in a trade and we would like to see our trade workers flourish in Ephias Well as we can direct the budget to assist in craftsmen and skilled builders in refortifying the walls of Ephias Well and expanding beyond. This is just one example on how the census will allow the people to have opportunities outside of joining some mercenary group or devoting themselves to an organization.

What are the questions the Census will be asking?

     Much of this information has already been provided when you were issued your chips, but we will need to ask you the more mundane questions such as: Name, Alias, Birth date, Male or Female, Race, Skills, and Past and Current trade. Other questions will help us estimate the needs of the City, such as: Skills, Past and Current Trade, League Affiliation, Organization Affiliation, Estimated weekly income, Estimated monthly income, Properties owned, Brief description of self, and request. 

What if you do not want to participate in the Census?

     I am sorry you do not want to participate but there is a way for you to avoid submitting the requested information. First, contact Scribe Petro Anders, he will be able to sit down and provide you with the available options to refuse participation or to omit certain questions of the Census.

Can I complete the Census with another Scribe?

     At this time, no. Scribe Petro Anders will be providing training to the other Scribes in due time, and once they are ready to collect data we will announce which Scribes are available to collect Census data. Until then, please see all questions and concerns sent to Scribe Petro Anders.

From the Halls of Governance, the Office of Population Census, and the Scribes of Sublime Garden, we thank you the Voiced & Unvoiced of Ephias Well for providing the information needed for us to grow as a community!

Discord - Howlando: UnholyWon, an Elder Thing that has crawled from the depths of Chapter 1, many a nature-pc and adventurer played in the past... a rare sighting IG in recent chapters, but perhaps less rare than we realize. Beware his professional insight into the minds of the mentally disturbed.