The Astronomer Bounty

Started by Random_White_Guy, May 16, 2023, 02:54:52 PM

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Over the last many days the sizeable presence of Sol Auk was once more vacant. Reports varied of the duties undertaken high, low, sensible, and outlandish. However such laid to rest when he returned to Ephia's Well.

However per tradition he did not return quietly.

The night began with Apothar Azimi's announcement regarding the Bounty raised recently by the Astronomers as pronounced by Apothar Cosine.

QuoteEstellise Azimi
Ephia's Well. Hello. This is Apothar Estellise Azimi. I wished to provide some clarity regarding the bounties that Cosine spoke on previously. They come from our organization. Cosine is not carrying around twenty thousand dinars to hand out nor was he fabricating bounties. That is all.

Such prompted a response... which began first relatively light of touch.

Please to forgive Sol Auk's absence.
With a lacking Ambassador matters in Qadira had taken precident in the wake of the situation therein.
Please stand by as some adjustments are on their way,
which will be followed up with a speech for clarification...

Then began trickling escalation.

QuoteAmbient Message:
Under their authority as Legate, Legate Sol Auk has seized Mae Stern's property (Mae & Estellise)! It now returns to the control of the state until it can be sold once more.

Then a cascade...

QuoteAmbient Message:
Under their authority as Legate, Legate Sol Auk has seized Azim al-Rashid's property (Azim's Study)! It now returns to the control of the state until it can be sold once more.

QuoteAmbient Message:
Under their authority as Legate, Legate Sol Auk has seized Tallariel Galayn's property (The Galayn Perch - Krak des Roses Edition)! It now returns to the control of the state until it can be sold once more.

Then a torrential downpour.

QuoteHerald of Ephia's Well
Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that in their wisdom, Legate Legate Sol Auk has hereby exiled Cosine Mevura from the settlement of Ephia's Well in perpetuity. Let them find no succor here!

Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that in their wisdom, Legate Legate Sol Auk has hereby exiled Estellise Azimi from the settlement of Ephia's Well in perpetuity. Let them find no succor here!

In a matter of minutes came seizures of property, Exile of not one, but two Apothar, and a march of Astronomer of Q'tolip and Janissary upon the Palatial Pyramid.

QuoteCosine Mevura
...this is Apothar C-Cosine Mevura, I will be a-awaiting an explanation of this massive, unprompted, and e-extrajudicial injustice a-against the Astronomers of Q'tolip..., it s-seems in the Palatial Pyramid...

After the Bellows, Sergeant Rennik Colmes and a retinue of Janissary are seen escorting Apothar Cosine out of the Palatial Pyramid.

[hide=The Accusations by Sol Auk]Legate Sol Auk
As the Sergeant and his Janissaries are escorting the Apothar to the Krak de Rose, Sol Auk will be offering forth explanation in as succinct a means as possible.

In the Tammuz Allotment came forth Nadiri Tallerial with a litany of items in line, drawn, circled, emphasized. It was a crisp presentation, a prudent undertaking, and a worthy display of the fastidious nature of the Astronomers of Q'tolip.

It was a robust display on the matters of research. On the undertaking of varied projects. He was moving in his speech, as a result 33,000 dinar were gifted to the Treasury of the Astronomers of Q'tolip by the Government of Ephia's Well.

Countless meetings were held that the Astronomers of Q'tolip are not a Law Enforcement organization. Apothar Cosine and Azimi both were privvy to these discussions ad nauseum by both their superiors and the Janissary's superiors.

Grief and human emotion are no excuse for the missappropriation of state funding. A bounty on lost equipment and uniform proves detrimental to their operations and this is understandable, laudable even to recover their lost tools as it is a risk to our Shade.

Sol Auk is glad to compromise and allow such a thing to sit. However until the ridiculous use of State Funds to bounty a Wanted Criminal by the Janissaries who has no tie to Djinnific research and Astronomer Mandate is unacceptable. So their Voice and Citizenship has been taken in lieu.

Murder is not the purview of the Astronomers of Q'tolip to enforce, investigate, or see to trial. In short- Lift the 10,000 dinar bounty and the Exiles will be lifted. And you shall be free to once more purchase of your property for private studies.[/hide]

QuoteShahlil Shadowbrook
Twenty thousand, Legate Sol Auk, twenty thousand.

Legate Sol Auk
10,000 was for your capture and 10,000 for the recovery of lost property. If they wish to use funds to recover lost property that is their purview. You are however wanted by the Janissaries for your crimes. You are encouraged to turn yourself in peacefully to the Janissaries at the Gate of Coin.

[hide=Apothar Azim al-Rashid's Rebuttle]Azim al-Rashid
The Astronomers of Q'tolip are part of the Accord. When the allotment is provided, it is ours to do with as we best see fit. In pursuit of our research, the shade, and whatever else we deem necessary and vital.

If we deem it necessary that a bounty is placed for the return of important equipment stolen, that is our purview. If we deem it necessary that a bounty is placed to help motivate the capture of a criminal to be brought to justice and stand trial, that is also our purview.

Consider wisdom in this matter, Legate, or live and -learn-.[/hide]

[hide=Public response and Sol Auk's response]Zhola Zhodwa
'Ahem... This is scribe Zhola Zhodwa. Janissary to the Palatial Pyramid, please. That is all..!'

We of the Balladeers are, of course, standing in solidarity with our dear friends at the Eagle's Mount. It is a strange decision, to me, to unilaterally exile the people who would put forth some resources to see a murderer to justice, without trial.

Isevara Galayn
I would also like to know Legate Sol Auk about the reason for seizing the property both my brother and I share. Considering he himself was not part of the exile.

Legate Sol Auk
To your question, Isevara. Tallariel was the Nadiri who negotiated the Allotment. To your concerns, Apothar Azimi, this is as said a very simple matter. Revoke the Bounty and the Exiles lifted and property rights returned. If it is believed by the Astronomers of Q'tolip-

That the funds offered in Bounty raised by the Janissaries are lacking you are within your rights to see such a fund transferred to their Treasury. What is not persmissible is dangling publicly 10,000 reasons for mercenary, bounty hunter, and interloper to complicate their investigation of a murder.[/hide]

The swirling resulted in near thirty people in the Foyer of the Palatial Pyramid.

Sol Auk flanked by Janissaries drinking from his cup of water.

Apothar Azim al-Rashid flanked by Balladeer Lynneth and The Lion, Balestriere Kythaela.

Scribes, Janissaries, Voiced, and more. A sea of tensions, waves of debate and negotiation, demands made, counter-negotiation in riposte.

Ultimately though as tensions reached a tipping point - The Lion and a Janissary both near the point of drawing steel... came the Sultan's Peace.

Sergeant Rennik Colmes with Apothar Cosine in tow, during the "Public standoff" was the Sergeant at the Tower of the Astronomers.

...Negotiating peace.

Word spread swiftly from the temple, but so too did Bellow ring out.

QuoteHerald of Ephia's Well
Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that in their magnanimous generosity, Legate Legate Sol Auk has hereby lifted the exile of Estellise Azimi in the settlement of Ephia's Well

Herald of Ephia's Well
Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that in their magnanimous generosity, Legate Legate Sol Auk has hereby lifted the exile of Cosine Mevura in the settlement of Ephia's Well.

QuoteRennik Colmes
This is Sergeant Colmes speaking. The murder of a member of the Accord Signatories isn't a thing treated lightly. All the more reason it should not be an excuse to trust justice given into the hands of bounty hunters and would-be vigilantes. The Fourth Legion upholds the Sultan's peace, and peace will be kept.

The bounties upon Shahlil of the Twindari by the Astronomers and the Legion are rescinded. If the State sees fit t'levy it, that is their right. But the Fourth Legion needs no extra incentive to pursue murderers, cultists and worse into the gutters of the Well. That is simply the work.

We are dedicated to that work, entirely. That is all.

And just like that the Sultan's peace restored.

The crowd, howling of talks of Exile in Abstentia, of infringement upon Accord, of Scribes with Law-books debating with fevered Cinquefoil the legitimacy of jurisprudence and precedent utilized...

...Simply took to disperse.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips