advetnures of scumbar + cold

Started by derfo, February 23, 2009, 09:15:39 AM

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hey yall sup im not exactly a screenshot master but i dig if you dig if you know what i mean, yeah? WINSTON_MARTIN really wanted to see my screenshots posted

in the beginning scumbar had some friends and stuff

eventually i was so good at screaming i got this worshiper dude and other worshipers, too bad i forgot to screenshot them because they were all awesome. anyways we talk to those cool kids in blue armor y'know

then like, scumbar got put in jail and just called this guard guy fat or something?

then a dwarf came, he was a cool guy, then mushrooms started shitting everywhere

eventually scumbar met his life partner cold kenson, and they went job-hunting together or whatever

unfortunately during these tough economic times we had to resort to unconventional tactics. desperate times call for desperate measures, as they say

so eventually we tried to raise money by making a toll bridge but some people were like no this bridge is mine. so we fought them over it

eventually shambling corpse, cold kenson and scumbar lost and died and all that but it was a jolly good time, you know? the end

Oskar Maxon


yes thankj you wesome


That guy Scumbar is standing next to on the first screen seems like a badass.


I recall that first screeny quite well.
Very interesting yet mighty confusing.


I remember the day scumbar got an NPC follower, I didn't see it happen but I saw the NPC walking around, it made me laugh.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "

I can has fun?

He died? That sucks, Scumbar was cool.


Aww. He was fun. I remember beating him in a duel then making an "O HAI GUISE I BEAT A GOD" sending :D. Twin dwarf waraxes. THe definition of pimpin' weaponry ;).


Yeah he was a cool character. Happy I got some RP in with him. Damn stinky cells!

Luke Danger

I found him hilarious, if somewhat not all together in the atic ;)

Not a bad way to go, dieing trying to hold a toll at a free bridge.


WAS SOOOOOOO close to killing him. If he hadn't invised I would have killed you and got to keep all my loot :*(