Arcane Mimic suggestions and improvements

Started by Zickery, April 26, 2023, 02:21:06 AM

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Hi! I think I'm one of the first to play the new Arcane Mimic rework to 8, and after playing with it for a bit there are some fundamental problems with the perk, but these aren't unfixable. I'm going to point those out and then list suggestions for solutions or improvement.

1.) When mimicking other players and creatures that aren't sorcerers of your level, it's very possible to end up with less spells known than your level, and fairly frequent, leaving you with even less versatility than normal sorcerers sometimes. I've for example had spell lists where I have only two first level spells and two second level. This is remarkably unpleasant. It's important to also remember that you can only mimic spells up to what you would normally know maximum as a Sorcerer.
2.) You are heavily dependent on other players. A Arcane Mimic only thrives in comparison to other sorcerers in situations where there are plenty of willing wizards for you to mimic and work with to adjust your spells as needed.  You would be better off duo'ing with a wizard as a sorcerer with a single predetermined list and you would be stronger that way with the same effect, probably.
3.) The process of telling a wizard to prepare specific spells in a way that you get exactly what you need feels very OOC.
4.) You are actively disincentivized from mimicking other players and creatures once you have a good spell list because of the risk of getting dweeb spells or a poor list since it's random what spells you take up to your limit.
5.) While you keep copied spells on reset, you do not keep copied GSFs. Given that they are disincentivized from taking GSFs because of their eighth level benefit, but ultimately end up needing them anyway (even if they may not be able to use them most of the time!!), this is pretty rough.

These are some pretty huge disadvantages. I have actually, in a weird and roundabout way, felt like I have been getting weaker as I level because I lose access to good mimic targets in lower level quests.

Potential solutions that address the problems:
1.) Remove the spells known limit for Arcane Mimics when copying spells, allowing them to copy entire lists without issue. They will rarely exceed their spells known anyway most of the time.
2.) Allow them to revert on demand to a "bookmarked" list of spells somehow. Maybe let them mimic blood vials, alternatively? That, or maybe a single saved spells/element/summon theme combo.
3.) Give them a buff to Spell DCs or CL based off of how recently they mimicked someone, decreasing the longer they go without mimicking until it fades away entirely.
4.) Change it so GSFs mimicked aren't lost on server reset and are only lost when mimicking another player's GSFs.

Buffs that do not directly address the problems but could help make up for these issues:
1.) Give them free a free metamagic or two of their choice to play into the "arcane master" theme originally associated with them and ease feat struggles.
2.) Further reduced or removed Mimic cooldown.
3.) Allow them to mimic neutral NPCs. Please please please there's no save anyway it would make Mimic life so much easier, especially if there's no one on for them to mimic.
4.) Allow Mimics to mimic Gloom properties and become Gloomed themselves.

Obviously, not every single one of these changes should be done, but even just one or three or so of them could really help the perk out.