Change the way Taunt works

Started by One_With_Nature, April 25, 2023, 11:22:50 PM

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I know taunt is a vanilla nwn mechanic, so don't know how feasible it is to change but,  I've always felt it seemed a bit overpowered (for this server) and unrepresentative of what it actually is so I would propose the following:

- Instead of reducing a successfully taunted targets AC, the taunter receives a +1-3 ab bonus against the target for 5 rounds, against the standard Taunt vs Concentration check except, instead of a max of 6 - for every 2 ranks of taunt in the check over the failed concentration check they received the bonus ab so 1-2 over 1ab, 2-4 over 2ab 5 over 3ab. 
- Taunted receives 10/20/30% spell failure based on the same above checks for the 5 rounds.
- If the taunted attacks anyone but the taunter they also receive 1/2/3 negative AB and damage against other targets for the 5 round duration (to represent them being distracted, coerced by the taunter)

I think it makes more sense that the taunter should benefit from the action, not everyone and that there should be the penalty to the taunted should they choose to ignore the taunt (i.e. ignoring them and attacking someone/something else).  So its more of like a combat distraction, like hey attack me kind of thing.