[A sealed letter to Janissary Amenya Graen]

Started by cmenden, April 12, 2023, 08:06:15 PM

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Dear Janissary Amenya Graen,

Our conversation was cut short earlier, and I mean to continue it.

There is no case to be had against Nadiri Bestworth and Apothar Vergal and if you were actually interested in justice, you would speak to me, someone with all the details, rather than protecting assassins through faulty prosecution.

Even if these men HAD been guilty, the proper thing to do would have been to prosecute the assassins properly and then ALSO seek justice from Bestworth and Vergal separately.

Your weak prosecution reflects poorly on you as both a Janissary and a B'aarat. Is it not the most important and sacred duty to protect life? How can you do so when you are seeking to keep assassins within our walls?

I have no doubts your higher-ups would agree with me, but I call upon you first to prove yourself, by closing this idiotic investigation and recusing yourself from further prosecution related to this flagrant assassination attempt.

As it stands, things appear as if you are engaged in the greatest conflict of interest of all time, that of a prosecutor-janissary seeking to keep criminals close at hand so that she may further use their services when cases "are taking too long".

Apothar Estelliise Azimi


[A letter sent in response, delivered to the Mount of the Eagle.]

Quote from:

Apothar Estellise,

You are, as usual, correct in that there is no case against Apothar Vergal and Nadiri Bestworth.

By order of my leadership, for the betterment of the Well, the investigation has been closed.

Quote from:

This investigation is closed.

I want this to be the last time we hear about it.

Lieutenant Cherkes Faral Teg

I had repeatedly sought out comment and statements from the Astronomers in regards to this case, and repeatedly received contrary, false information.

First, from Nadiri Stern - that there was no missing Nadiri. That there was no murder, and everything was fine.

Then, from Nadiri Bestworth and Apothar Vergil, that there was a cultist that they murdered who was acting as if he were a Nadiri (a particularly heinous lie).

Then, from Nadiri Lucian, that there WAS. Missing Nadiri named Raymond Quinn, which turned out to be a fabrication as they attempted to put the lost soul to rest and *nothing answered*.

Repeated attempts were made to contact the Astronomers, Apothar Estellise, and a mockery was made of Justice by those same Astronomers.

The name and deeds of the dead are required to put the souls of the dead to rest. That, is the concern of the Twindari.  And one no one should stand in the way in, less our very home be overwhelmed by lost souls.

In regards to your accusation of poor persecution - this is patently, factually incorrect. While I plead that her life be spared, as I do not genuinely believe her actions warrant death, I repeatedly pushed for more serious crimes to be levied against her and was successful in this regard.

It was the suggestion of the defense that the accused was to be forced into bondage, not exile or execution. The magistrate accepted, stating that he conquered that execution was not warranted, as the case stood against attempted murder.

Nadiri Bestworth is an idiot and a fool, whose inclusion in the case would have been a greater detriment than it was worth. Nadiri Galayn gallantly responded and put the best possible light against the accused.

If you are to take umbrage with the case, levy your complaints with the judgement of the Magistrate and the defense issued by Isabelle of the Purple, and not with the persecution of the IVth.

Finally. As to your accusations of my employment of these servants of the Twindari. I have had, and had nothing to do with their actions against the Astronomers. You insult me, the Mother, and the IVth by alledging that we would stoop to assassination.

The Twindari were called to collect the dead for internment, and if possible, to share the names of the dead if discovered. Nothing more, and nothing less.
Their actions are their own, and my respect for them extends only to their service to their god, and the Wheel.

If your fellow Astronomers had not so pitifully attempted to stonewall the investigation, and simply shared the names of the deceased as is proper, none of this would have happened.

Still. It is not impossible to mend relations between our institutions members. The case is closed, and while Wroth is wraught with rage at the lack of vengeance rendered this day - I, as a Baarat, am deaf to such.

I seek now only to ensure the Dead are finally put to rest, and request the name and deeds of the dead that such information may be delivered to the Twindari, and their duties fulfilled.

Faithfully in service,

-Janissary Amenya Graen.

Forever in the Shadows, yearning for the Light.