Letter for the office of the league of purple.

Started by Gordan, April 06, 2023, 08:09:32 AM

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Members of the league.

I'm a refugee in this city and a voicless, but as true as is my faith to the mother i wish to have a greater part in this city.

I'm a warrior myself and not even a great one but i have the desire to serve, i wish no compensation for my services just know i'm doing what is rigth.

I proudly wear the pin  as a supporter,  but i wish do more.

Please guide me

Karl son of Oleif

Empress of Neon

QuoteDear Karl Oleifsson,

I am Isabella Fitzgerald. I'd be happy to help you find your feet in Ephia's Well.

I'm looking for a new bodyguard after my last one was bribed; perhaps you'd like to fulfill his place?

I would balm my fears knowing if I had a supporter of the League to my escort.

The wage is 150 dinars per week, with occasional bonuses.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald


Honorable Lady Isabella Fitzgerald

I thank you for the opportunity and  i will do all i can for met you as soon as possible.

as i sed i require no payment for my work, Loyalty is its own reward for me.

But we can discuss it later once we met .

Thank you .

Karl son of Oleif

[hide]((I fear our timezones will allow us to met only during week ends, as much  as i would love be Isabella's bodyguard is something to consider ))[/hide]