The Road Less Traveled - Help Wanted

Started by aliceofthevoid, March 25, 2023, 02:21:51 AM

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A few notes are left around the Well and the Creep, pinned to notice boards.

QuoteBrothers, sisters, my dearest friends with whom I share our wonderful Well.

I would like to formally announce a collaborative charity project, founded by the Waradim Khalid and myself, Soraya of the Kulamet. We have commissioned the use of a building in the Tablet as a shrine to our patrons, and an office to serve as the heart of this project. Our goal is to improve the quality of life of the meekest among us, and bring the Ulema spiritually closer together. In practice, we seek to be a network of communication, bringing together the disparate Clergy of the Wheel into unified contact, distributing the knowledge and resources they need to perform their duties across the desert.

To this end, we are in need of talented individuals to aid us. Understand, friends, that there is no fortune to be gained in our work. We perform this work because it is necessary, not because it is glorious or profitable. If this does not deter you, then we will welcome you into our company.

In particular, there are a few roles we need filled to properly perform our purpose.

1) An Archaeologist. Much knowledge has been lost to time, and it is likely that we will find some answers in the past. One talented in uncovering such would be indispensable in growing our resources to give.

2) A Translator. Such lost lore will not always be in recognizable form to those of us only versed in the common tongue. One who can decipher the cryptic clues left for us by those who came before would be invaluable.

3) An Archivist. We seek to grow a repository of knowledge which we can share and share alike. One who could keep this information in a tidy manner, and who can see connections between fractured accounts will find themselves deeply needed in such cases.

If you wish to fill one or more of these roles, or believe you have additional skills or connections to bring to us, please make haste and write to me, Soraya al-Shaher, at your soonest convenience.

Soraya al-Shaher