Janissary Fundraising Festival

Started by Random_White_Guy, March 18, 2023, 07:20:23 AM

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Before the abduction of Balastiere Kythaela, a sending began to ring out. During her abduction it was stopped after but a few words. After she was announced returned hale, it was raised once more.
Afterwards a skittish scribe, looking strung out and addicted, is seen raising flyers around the city...


Each assembly, the Janissary of fair Sultunate must prostrate themselves before the Legates.
Prove themselves, our protectors, time and again worthy of funds to do duties that keep all safe. Patrol. Fight. War. Investigate.

Senior Magistrate, most tenured and many trialed, Sol Auk renders judgement that this is simply cannot pass.
The Janissary should not be so subjected for funds. So, in his wisdom, Sol Auk has come up with solution. A means by which the Janissary may have funds.

With aid of Gamesmaster Zaniah, a Day of Festival will be hosted.
Many events, many games, much for charity. Culminating in Finale.
A chance for crowd to line up and throw Camel Dung at Sol Auk for 1,000 Dinar a throw.
All proceeds to the coffers of the Janissaries.

The Legates dispense 10,000 Dinar.
Senior Magistrate Sol Auk challenges to see if he can raise 15,000, come forth and celebrate, enjoy many games with donations for charity.
Then show your wealth in robust donation for humiliating festival game.

As the flyers distributed many things may come to mind. Senior Magistrate Sol Auk, chastised by many including the Mermaid's Tale for once offering water at prohibitively high extortionist prices. Narcotics distributor whose products made even the Princesses of Baz'eel frown when Marriet the Champion used his product and the crowd erupted in boos. Politician known to sell his Voice to the highest bidder for proposals. And perhaps worst of all - Seemingly favored by Gold Legate John Syter.

Above all though perhaps coming to mind:

...Seeing him covered in camel shit without risk of legal retribution may well actually be worth 1,000 dinar a throw.

//OOC: Time and date and other announcements of games pending. Stay tuned...//
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Throughout the following days of the announcement, and the estimated Time of the festival, rumors swirl as aspiring Games Mistress Zaniah works in a fevered pitch.

There is talk of a Painting by Edha, a talk of Alejandro the Bard, a talk of Trivia by the Companions archaeologists. Many opportunities for the charitable to find odd fun and odder prize...

No doubt more to come as the games draw nearer

//OOC: Click the link above of "The time" to see countdown. 4 PM CST//
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As word and rumor circles of the most terrible Ash Storm in modern times, word begins to spread that the Festival has been canceled.

QuoteHigh Zenithar Q'tolip the Exile
The stars speak. The earth trembles. It whispers. The Eagle's Mount hears them. Let it be known that strange movements are portended. A cloud is coming, a blanket of Ash. Such as we have not seen for many moons.

We cannot say the precise moment that it shall strike, nor its severity. Days, hours, minutes; our eyes cannot see so far. But be warned, Ephia's Well. Be warned by Q'tolip, who is exiled.

It is coming.

QuoteCosine Mevura
..um... h-hello, in the li-light of the oncoming m-megastorm, the, um, G-Great Ash Bli-Blizzard, we w-will be launching an e-emergency co-collection drive of a-arcane resources to ens-ensure that the N-Nasaru, the Shade of the G-Giants, um, st-stands strong...

...even a sm-small lapse could, um, me-mean hundreds of d-deaths...

...p-please bring all av-available t-tools of arcane p-power and energy s-sources, such as b-baublium, to an active N-Nadiri... for immediate p-processing...

...the A-Astronomers of Q'tolip will, um, help Ephia's Well f-face this storm...

As the Astronomers begin to bustle, opinions could be formed in any direction, but the flyers are seen being removed.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips